Did you know that the average conversion rate can range from 0.5% to 10%? This means that for every 100 people who visit your landing page, less than 10 will subscribe to your list. And a whopping 90 will be gone, most never to return. Every person who leaves your subscription page without joining your list is a missed opportunity for future revenue, since you won’t be able to promote your products for them.

PLEASE NOTE: Conversion rates depend on many factors, including what you are offering as an ethical snippet, your text, headline, button text, how targeted your offer is to your chosen niche, etc.

While all of these elements need to be tested and improved, one of the best ways to increase your conversion rate is by using an exit intent popup on your landing page. Studies have shown that using this type of popup can increase your engagement rate by 500% or more.

But have you ever wondered what an exit intent popup is?

When someone visits your website or blog, their mouse is activated. If they decide they’re not interested in what you offer, they’ll click the X button to leave your site. However, with an exit intent popup, once your visitors’ cursors move out of the body of your site, the exit intent popup is triggered. You then have one last chance to capture their names and email addresses.

Your exit intent popup can include different types of messages, including:

• A different ethical bribe: If you are using this strategy, the new ethical bribe should expand on the original one offered on your site. It must be perceived as much more valuable than the original ethical bribery.

• A survey: You can ask why your visitor chose not to trade their name and email address for your ethics bribery. Again, offer them something very valuable so that they do give you their data. Use this feedback to improve your ethical snippet and/or landing page components.

If you use radio buttons for the survey, your visitor should be redirected to another ethical bribery based on the response they get. For example, if your niche is traffic generation, you can ask them if they are interested in PPC, if they use social media for traffic, if they want to learn more about organic traffic generation methods, etc.

• A subscription form for your newsletter: You want to capture the names and email addresses of your visitors. So while they may not be interested in your ethical bribery, they may be willing to join your newsletter list to learn more about your chosen niche.

The message you use in your exit intent popup has to grab the attention of your visitors, but it also has to be targeted to your niche. While exit intent popups can identify visitors who are about to leave your site, your message should win their attention.