The wealth building cycle has a few main components that make wealth a continuous cycle, rather than a single peak with an eventual drop or loss. Building wealth isn’t necessarily hard, it’s the consistency of staying rich and making your money work for you that’s hard. I compare someone who gets rich with a nice Ferrari. You can have the Ferrari, but if you never turn it on and go for a ride, then what value is it really to you? The same applies to a new rich person. They may have some wealth creation coming their way, but if they don’t consistently create more wealth, they eventually start over from the beginning and that original wealth did them no good. You have to continue to drive wealth your way, and there are a few key principles that can make you gain more and more wealth.


So one of the reasons many people struggle to get rich is because they focus on how they can continue to make money instead of making money that already works for them. If you talk to any millionaire who has had wealth for a long time, they will tell you that this is the key to building wealth. I’ve always liked the saying don’t pay interest, do it. One thing that happens is that people get money and spend it, or finance things. You need to be in charge of your money, don’t let it control you. Many people are working to pay the bills and living paycheck to paycheck. What happens if one day that check stops coming? Hopefully, you’ve put money into vehicles that have been earning you interest that you can fall back on. Get the perspective in your head that every penny is a soldier ready to work for you.


If you have been successful in building wealth, never stop and hit the brakes. It’s called a cycle for a reason. If you find a system that is successful, milk it dry. Always be improving your skills to create wealth. Look to develop many streams of income. Once you’ve built up a good flow of cash, you’ll have the ability to try new investments or business opportunities that can also build more wealth. Always be researching and looking for ways to keep your wealth building going. Michael Jordan didn’t just get complacent once he won his first championship. He kept getting better and continued to win championship after championship. Keep working for those wins, big or small, they’re all good.


This does not mean getting rid of friends or family who are not rich. I hate business people who say that to be successful you must be surrounded by successful people. I believe that with your wealth you can do a lot of good for others who may not be so fortunate. Where much is given, much is required. Don’t act like you’re better than people because you may have more money than them. My purpose in this component is to work with other people who have good ideas or systems that have been proven and work in creating wealth. It’s always good to see what other people are doing.

Follow these principles and you will see great results in consistently building wealth.