Many groups in our nation need our support and financial support, unfortunately there are so many worthy causes that they all end up in competition with each other. Sometimes the answer is to get a little creative and try something new. How do you ask?

Well let me tell you about such a creative solution that I was involved in once. You will see that in our company we establish mobile car wash franchises. And a program director came up to me and said; we would like to establish one of your franchises to help fund our special group of children. So this sounded like a good plan and I worked with the Special Kids Group program director on a plan that would allow them to operate one of our franchises without paying the initial franchise fee or ongoing royalties, instead the royalties would be returned. To the group. Basically, it was free to help special children work and learn to be self-reliant.

To make all of this work, he had lined up a free truck to assemble Ford Motor Co’s mobile car wash equipment, as well as some clients at the Corporate Office Parks in Trenton, luckily the group had lined up some clients as well. Unfortunately, the project was canceled, but I learned a lot about how these things can work in the future, one day I will probably write the whole plan in an e-book and put it online for everyone.

My point is that sometimes you have to think outside the box, as there are always ways to solve humanity’s problems through networking, free enterprise and cooperation with public agencies, there is unfortunately too much bureaucracy and, often large, fully funded programs that don’t. burden that the taxpayer is lost in the confusion. Perhaps this article will stimulate your imagination to think beyond your organization’s funding needs and find something that might work for you. Consider this in 2006.