Routine grooming of your Golden Retriever is the key to a long and enjoyable life together. Once you and your dog establish a routine, the benefits increase because grooming becomes a productive part of life, not an interruption. It takes some time and desire, but the effort will help cultivate a happy and loving Golden. Some general grooming needs include regular brushing, nail trimming, and bathing.

Benefits of regular brushing

Regular brushing can become a great bonding activity for you and your Golden. Most Golden Retrievers like to be brushed, so take your time, be patient, and get him used to the brushing action. Eventually you will enjoy how it feels and appreciate the attention. A puppy can be a bit impatient, so keep calm, take your time, and stay positive.

Pay attention to any irregularities such as bumps, tender areas, or signs of fleas or ticks. Keep a record of any changes that occur. Early detection of symptoms can minimize later problems.

Make sure you use a proper brush. You want the dog to be comfortable with the “feel” of the brush and the brush to effectively remove hair. There are different styles of brushes available, but the basic brush is best for removing most of the loose undercoat and dead hair. An effective brush will reduce shedding and keep your home free of dog hair.

Frequent brushing (perhaps twice a week) is recommended to keep the volume of hair to a minimum and therefore make cleaning the house easier. Golden Retrievers tend to shed a lot, especially in the spring and fall, so a good brushing twice a week or more will keep the coat looking shiny, healthy and minimize shedding. Pay attention to mats and tangles in the hair and remove them in the early stages. A small clump of hair is much easier to remove if done early.

Cutting nails has many benefits

Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed allows for better foot comfort and encourages him to be more active. Goldens won’t want to get as much exercise with long, jagged nails that snag on debris as they walk through brush or snag on carpet. Goldens love to chase a Frisbee or fetch a ball, but will be reluctant if their feet hurt.

Nail clipping really does show a labor of love, as it’s probably the most difficult aspect of grooming to master. Most dogs do not like the procedure and the possibility of drawing blood by cutting too close is a real possibility.

Clipping nails should be a lot easier when you have some success to build on. If you and your Golden are having trouble agreeing on nail trimming, you might consider paying a professional to do it for you. Is it worth the investment.

Also try to take frequent walks with your Golden Retriever on the pavement to help keep his nails short. This adds an additional benefit to regular exercise.

bath benefits

Golden Retrievers love to swim in lakes or streams, but getting into a bathtub full of water can be something else. There may be some initial doubts that require some persuasion. This is your chance to show your dog that baths aren’t as bad as they think they can be. And both of you will benefit from it!

Some bath benefits include:

– It will be more pleasant to be around your Golden, since it will smell better, especially if it lives indoors.

– The elimination of bugs such as fleas and ticks.

– Cleaning of bacteria with which your dog may have been in contact when swimming or rolling on the ground.

– Bond between you and your dog.

The toilet is great

I hope you see how closely tied good grooming clothes are to your Golden Retriever’s health and happiness. Keep in mind that grooming your golden friend not only makes him more handsome, but also helps keep him healthy and full of energy! Golden Retriever care is truly a labor of love.