Like any other job, while becoming a CNA after taking a CNA training class and passing the certification exam can have its benefits, it also has its own set of drawbacks that you should carefully consider before attempting to pursue this profession. No doubt this profession will give you a great sense of satisfaction in helping those in need, but there are downsides to the job.

You will have good days and bad days in this job and you need to develop the tools to help you effectively deal with the issues you will experience as a CNA as you will learn in a CNA training class, on the job and by talking to other CNA assistants. Nursing.

The path to becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant and entering the medical profession is probably the easiest you’ll find and only requires attending a CNA training class that lasts an average of four to six weeks. The cost to attend a CNA training class is also quite reasonable and you may be able to get financial assistance or find free CNA training classes. A certification exam must then be passed upon completion of the CNA training class.

While being a CNA for the right person will provide a great sense of satisfaction, even the best person will struggle at times with the demands of the job. The main duty of CNAs is to care for patients and meet all their needs. Although there continues to be a high demand for nursing assistants that far exceeds the demand in most other professions, the demands of the job are the main reason why there is a high turnover in this profession as well.

Disadvantages of being a CNA

1. One of the downsides if you go into this profession primarily for the money is that you will be disappointed with the pay, although it is still a great start. This health profession is considered entry level, meaning the pay is generally considered entry level as well, although it is certainly above the minimum wage. If you enter this profession, you should make sure you are doing it for more than the money, for example if you have a strong need to help others or if you are using this career as a springboard into other health care professions.

2. You may feel that the job demands of feeding, bathing, grooming, lifting, as well as many other tasks you will perform for patients, their families, nurses, and doctors may be too great, especially compared to the pay you are receiving. . You may feel like there are not enough hours in a day to complete all the tasks and you may start to experience job burnout because you may not have time to take care of yourself in addition to taking care of others.

3. With the low pay comes the other downside that there really is little to no opportunity to advance with this job as you will learn in a CNA training class and if you want to advance your career you may need to consider taking additional training to become a nurse, doctor or other health professional.

4. While taking care of the needs of others, you may want to feel appreciated at work for all that you do and you may find at times that your contributions are undervalued and not appreciated, which can be demoralizing and lead to a lack of motivation to continue carrying out their functions with the same enthusiasm that they might have had at the beginning.

5. While patient abuse is common in many care settings, the reverse is also quite common. You will be dealing with many different types of patients and while many may appreciate everything you do, there will be some who will not and will make your life difficult and may abuse you both physically and verbally. How to deal with this abuse will be covered in a CNA training class, as well as by your employer.

6. Another disadvantage is also that you can become attached to many patients who may spend months and even years in a care facility and you may have to deal with the inevitability of the circumstances of the patient’s death, which can take an emotional toll .