When social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) first became popular, I thought it was an amazing medium. I was continually receiving invitations from high school friends or business contacts. Before long, I had hundreds of contacts on each site and I thought I was pretty well connected. I also reached out to others to build my networks further.

As an entrepreneur, I thought that all the online networks would help grow my business services company. I even posted ads online through both mediums. I eagerly entered this new online world with high hopes for future business and personal connections. These efforts were the future: I had entered the Internet 2.0 edition.

emerging issues

Questioning importance came slowly, but my gut told me there was trouble. Of the hundreds of customers over eight years in business, not one told me that they found out about my company through social media. They may have reviewed my resume, but they didn’t introduce us through social media.

Another sense of doubt came from political commentary. I started reading memes or comments from the same people over and over again, especially when an election was coming up. As fake news emerged, it became clear that many of these posts were nonsense. Beyond accuracy, the posts insulted the reader, which he believed to be different.

digital shots

As a part-time business instructor, I place considerable emphasis on entrepreneurship. I ask students how they will market their business to get new customers. The most common response is “I will exploit my message on all social networks.” There you go. The key to success in the digital age is to shout as loud as possible through our social networks.

Marketing and sales channels come and go, but one thing remains the same. Crafting messages that motivate people to improve their lives through your product produces new customers. People hate getting yelled at, but they love conversations that improve their lives or businesses.

cyber insults

When it comes to public policy, no one will change their voting choices by being insulted. Am I going to change my mind to the constant yelling from someone I barely knew in high school? Think about what we post on social media. If you want to post political material, consider something humorous or thoughtful that might cause someone to stop and consider another point of view.

There is a role for social media in business. Creating channels for branding, customer service, and product feedback is important to overall business development. However, the idea that the more you post, the more your business will grow is completely false. Marketing is complex. Brand, messaging, multiple channels, product quality, and reputation all contribute to new sales.

no easy fix

Social media can be fun for viewing vacation photos, reconnecting with diverse people, and entertaining yourself. Let’s be wise! There is no magic pill to marketing other than hard work. Outside of work, pick up the phone or meet people in person. You may be surprised, your personal network will be real instead of digital. Come on America, our true future awaits you.