The trailer is unhooked and parked at the edge of the field in the trees. The horses have been unloaded, brushed and tied in the shade where they can relax until needed. The truck has been backed up to the arena fence, the tailgate lowered and ready to provide seating for morning or afternoon rodeo slack.

People who visit and mingle with friends and family as they prepare for the events they are participating in. The little ones are excited to be part of the lamb hunt and calf riding. The next generation kids are waiting their turn to ride steer and team up with a sibling, parents or good friends. Teens and adults alike are warming up their horses for calf roping, steer wrestling and barrel racing.

The younger generation hone their skills swinging ropes on bales of hay and tying calves made from half tires with legs made from four sticks cut to the right length. Vigilant mentors who give advice and praise for efforts.

The smell of burgers and onions being grilled at the outdoor concession stand wafts through the air along with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. All mixed with the smells of the rodeo grounds.

The announcer has done his sound checks and the person who acts as the rodeo clown for the day is finishing up his face painting as he goes through the afternoon’s scheduled antics in his mind.

Livestock contractors’ trucks arrived the day before to unload the raw cattle and the local ranchers who are stocking the calves and steers have long since left and left in the early hours of the morning. Your supply of livestock is safely enclosed in pens located behind the arena.

The sounds behind the ramps indicate that the bareback horses are running towards the ramps to wait for the cowboys who have thrown them. Soon the bareback rigging will be in place and horse and rider will explode from the gate when it opens.

The performance will begin soon with a grand entrance and introductions from the community leaders and organizers who have worked so hard to prepare for this day. Recognition will be given to the youngest and oldest registrants, local celebrities such as a scholarship winner, out-of-town rodeo royalty, timekeepers, judges, and pickers.

For those who came, they gave their best and maybe, just maybe, they were lucky enough to take home some of the prize money; the luck of the draw was on his side.

This was rodeo forty years ago; and at the end of the day when the trucks and trailers left the rodeo grounds to head home; there was a comfortable feeling of belonging.