Even if you’re not particularly cynical, you may notice that there seem to be quite a few dishonest people who act in what can only be called questionable ways. These may be people who operate within illegal quarters in society, such as drug dealers or other professional criminals, or they may be more subtle, such as the businessman who nonetheless operates a bit on the shady side in particular business dealings. , politicians who don’t Not tell the truth, and the like. In many cases, these types of people measure their success not by their own integrity, but by the amount of money they make. However, this is an imperfect yardstick at best and is by no means a determining factor in how successful your life is.

Simply put, true success is not determined by how much you earn, but how you earn and how you live your life. Character and integrity are the key. No matter how rich you are, if you lack character, you have nothing.

What is character? It means that you operate from a foundation of integrity, which means that you operate within your moral code, even when no one is watching or there to reward you. It means that fear and guilt are temporary, occasional visitors to your life who simply show up to help you make amends when necessary, but don’t stay long. It means you have nothing to hide, which in turn gives you the freedom to achieve maximum success.

Some people call this the “rule of thumb,” whereby they treat others as they would like to be treated. Every day you have the opportunity (or more than one) to practice this rule for yourself. For example, if at work you’re tempted to steal credit for someone else’s idea so you’ll get the promotion, at best it’s a vain victory and not really yours. Rather, practicing the Golden Rule means giving credit where credit is due, and that means taking it (modestly) when it’s also yours. Only then will the goals you achieve be truly yours and worth your pride. On the other hand, if you step on people to get where you are going, you can only hope that others will follow you. In short, you get what you give.

For a better life, try to treat people the way you want to be treated. Treat them with respect, honesty and courtesy. Appropriate anger is fine, but don’t lose your temper. Of course, most of us at one point or another have regretted losing our temper or something similar in a situation, but this happens to all of us; if this happens, apologize and then move on. People can usually tell when you’re someone with a low fuse who expects to intimidate people as a matter of course, compared to someone who’s just had a bad day, has taken responsibility for their actions, and left it alone.

If you have character and integrity, you also recognize that success comes not only from your own efforts, but from people helping you along the way. Then it is up to you to return the favor and offer someone else in need the same helping hand that you received at any given time.

Photographer Yousuf Karsh, famous for photographs of world leaders and celebrities, noted this common trait of integrity among truly successful people, saying, “I have found that great people have in common an immense belief in themselves and their mission. They also they have great determination, as well as the ability to work hard. At the crucial moment of decision, they call on their accumulated wisdom. Above all, they have integrity.”

If you’ve been living your life with less integrity than you could, stop and take a good look at what you want. Know that you can also have your success and peace of mind. Take a moment to pause and consider others before taking your next step. One of the greatest minds of all time, Albert Einstein, said, “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character,” which means the reverse is also true. Strength of attitude also becomes strength of character.

Character is simply your essence. Success is only what you achieve. Your accomplishments may be big or small, but without integrity, in the end they just don’t matter. If you have children, realize that this is something you can pass on to them as well, for better or worse. So focus on strength of character with everything you do and let your focus on success take a backseat; I think you’ll find that success will come of its own (and be even sweeter) once the character is in place.