Stop stealing dog food so you can have peace of mind while your back is turned from your table. When you notice that your pet is sneaking away from your food or learning to snatch food from the hands of small children.

Stop stealing dog food; This is a task every dog ​​owner should do when they notice their pet has this form of undesirable habit of sneaking food off the table or from the hands of unsuspecting young children.

Ways to prevent dogs from stealing food

Keep food out of the dog’s reach. One of the best ways to prevent your dog from developing this behavior is to keep food out of his reach. Most dogs are tempted to poke their nose into the food you prepare because they couldn’t resist the aroma. Dogs are known for their keen sense of smell.

Feed your dog well. Giving them enough food for their physical needs can keep your dogs out of the habit of stealing food. Hunger is a main motivator that drives your pet to commit this act, and the strong aroma that your food gives off is a very strong temptation that he cannot resist.

Tell your dog to “leave it.” “Leave it” is a command that tells the dog to avoid keeping his nose off anything you don’t want him to play with. He can introduce the command by holding a tempting treat in hand, and when his pet pays attention to the food, say “leave it.” If he stops trying to take the food out of your hand, show your appreciation by saying “fine,” then reward your pet with the food. If he doesn’t comply and tries to grab the food out of your hand, make a fist and say “leave it.” If your dog stops sniffing at your hand and seems to lose interest in the food, open your hand and say “okay,” then give him the food. This will show your pet that the “leave it” command is associated with the reward and their act of avoiding food. You can repeat this a few more times until the registry learns the behavior.

Apply the distance punishment method. Experience is a good teacher when it comes to dogs. You can discover a method that gives your dog an unpleasant experience when trying to steal food from the table with the use of an ultrasonic generator or a booby trap attached to the “bait” that falls apart and makes a terrifying sound when the dog eats the food. meal. However, the application of this method should be limited to only three times, since prolonged use might not scare your pet.

Keep them out of the room where your food is displayed. Keeping your pet away from tempting foods is one way to suppress his urge to eat and eventually steal food. Also give him something to eat while the family is eating so he doesn’t worry about what’s going on around the dining room table. After repeating the practice a few times, your dog might even learn to go to her designated area whenever the family meal is ready, waiting for her part. While training your pet to avoid stealing food, you should also teach your children to avoid playing with the dog while eating or holding food, as this could tempt the canine to snatch it from the child’s hand.

Hunger and temptation are the two main factors that prompt a dog to steal food. If he can eliminate them, his pet will surely be free of this undesirable behavior.