When you find out that your ex is dating someone else, all your hopes of ever being together are dashed. It’s hard if you’re still in pain from the breakup, but you need to wake up and see things in the right perspective. The following will solve your confusion, keep reading.

Your ex may be trying to make you jealous.

Your ex may be dating someone, but their feelings for you haven’t completely disappeared. They may be rebounding, but if they’re still in contact with you, it could mean they don’t want to cut themselves out of your life.

Can you give him the benefit of the doubt?

In the above scenario, you can give your ex a chance; if that’s what you want. You know them well; Little by little you can start to renew contact with your ex and see how it works. If it works well; if not at least you tried and now you know you can move on.

leave your ex for a while

Being with someone else will give your ex a new experience and may help them work through their feelings. Your ex may or may not get back with you. You need to protect yourself and stay away so your ex can realize that he has lost you.

look at things in perspective

You have to consider the fact that your ex may be using you, maybe still your friend in the hope that if things don’t work out in the new relationship, they can always come back to you. Don’t let them take you for granted and take a stand, if you want your ex back and not the other way around.

think objectively

The fact that you broke up and your ex has moved on and is dating someone else should inform you about your ex’s feelings for you. If your ex is talking to you, then ask yourself why he is dating the other person. You should not allow your ex to hurt your feelings or the feelings of the other person.

Don’t waste your time or your feelings with your ex

You have two options, confront your ex and ask him to open up about his feelings so that there is no ambiguity about it. Or take a bold stand; be strong to cut all ties with the ex as you cannot trust them.

he/she is playing with you

If your ex was honest about his feelings, he wouldn’t be seeing someone else, so it’s best to move on to save yourself the pain.