Due to the recent popularity of Muscle Cars, the price of these classic vehicles has increased considerably. Today’s demand also makes it harder to find a good deal on a classic muscle car, but if you know where to look, it’s still possible to get one at a price you can afford.

your local newspaper

This may seem like an obvious place, but you can still find great deals on muscle cars in your local papers. In most cases, local sellers are not muscle car collectors and have no idea what these cars might sell for in a national market, this leaves the door open to finding a steal right in your backyard, but it has to be Fast, these cars are in high demand. You can also use your local newspaper to place classified ads; this will cause potential sellers to call you. This is great because you are not competing against others who are searching the classifieds to find a muscle car deal. Chances are you’ll get calls from people who weren’t even thinking about selling until they saw your ad.

online classified ads

Online classifieds can be a great place to find your muscle car. Prices may be a bit higher than in your local market, but you can still find a good deal. Just watch out for these and be sure to contact the seller so you can talk to them one-on-one for more details.

Get in your car and drive

This is possibly the best way to find an amazing deal on a classic muscle car, but it also involves the most work and isn’t for everyone. Right now, there are thousands of muscle cars sitting in barns, under carports, and out in yards just waiting for you to find them. Often times, the owner of these cars won’t part with them because even though they haven’t touched the car in years, it has some kind of sentimental value, but if you catch one on the right day, you can usually get an amazing deal on a classic. muscle car for much less than you’d pay anywhere else. He just has to go out, find the cars and convince the sellers to part with it.


This is my personal favorite place to find a bargain on a muscle car. Although this is a national market, you will find local sellers (who are unaware of national market prices) listing their valuable vehicle on eBay. You will definitely have competition for these rights, but with careful bidding you can get a great deal on the muscle car of your dreams. http://www.Musclecars-forsale.com is a site that lists muscle cars for sale on eBay, the list is updated several times a day so you are sure to find the classic vehicle you are looking for.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to get the muscle car of your dreams. Check your local papers, visit online classifieds sites, drive around your area, and check eBay. If you do these things, you will surely find the classic muscle you are looking for.