Being in good physical shape is what everyone wants, but sometimes we tend to forget a lot about food. Instead of eating healthy we tend to eat foods high in calories, which makes the person malnourished. A well-nourished person eats a balanced diet and exercises regularly. When describing a well-nourished person, we simply describe them as a healthy person.

Anyway, this is logical because the food a person eats provides the raw materials from which all bodily processes are sustained and maintained. This means that the well-nourished person has enough protein in their diet. He or she may have an adequate supply of minerals and body tissue have a sufficient amount of carbohydrate for energy along with the correct amount of fat. A well-fed person has a good supply of vitamins to keep tissues and all vital organs in good condition.

Now how to lose weight and reduce calorie intake?

We need to remember and accept the fact that we have committed common nutritional sins that make our diet dysfunctional for us. Eating too much is the first nutritional sin on the list. We tend to overeat, especially when we are on a hunger strike, lack of food, and lastly, if we like the food that is served. Eating too much food over our body can result in being overweight. The next thing is to eat snacks. As people who like to snack, snacking tends to decrease a person’s appetite; it deprives them of eating a regular meal and deprives the digestive organs of their normal rhythmic functions.

It also tends to increase calorie intake and can encourage consumption of junk food that is also high in calories. Other than that, eating too much sugar like candy bars, ice cream, soda, and candy can lead to excessive calorie intake. Eating too many processed foods is another nutritional sin that people often forget. People who are busy do not give themselves time to eat well and tend to eat canned or other processed foods that can be eaten without cooking. There is no adequate substitute for eating fresh foods, as eating processed foods deprives the body of important nutritional elements that are lost, in whole or in part, by eating much of the processed food.

Another nutritional sin that people often commit is having breakfast or not having breakfast. People often neglect breakfast because they don’t have time. Lack of sufficient sleep due to not going to bed early and waking up late, so they need to prepare quickly to arrive early to work, meetings and activities. This becomes a habit for many of us who sometimes don’t feel hungry for breakfast, we tend to have mid-morning snacks that dampen our appetite for the mid-day meal, which could lead to poor eating habits. Since the beginning of the day and all the energy that is stored in the body is extracted and partly depleted during the night, it is imperative that we eat breakfast to replenish all the energy that is being depleted. That is why the term breakfast implies the first meal of the day. If we continue this bad habit, it could lead to increased calorie intake and could lead to improper functioning of vital organs and hormones, which could make people malnourished and overweight.

Losing weight is not only for people who want to be sexy, but it involves the health condition of each individual. Excessive intake of calories can cause many disorders in our body. It is also recommended, and essential, to minimize calorie intake to be fit and healthy. Here are some tips on how to lose weight and calories. First, be sure to check the recommended minimum daily amounts for basic food items. Each individual has different caloric needs. The more active your work, the more calories you will need. Did you plan your meal ahead or ahead of time, planning your meal ahead is necessary to ensure you’ll be eating a healthy meal and could prevent you from eating at fast food chains. So get enough sleep, enough sleep makes your organ work well. It could make your skin healthy and shiny. Getting enough sleep helps relax your nerves and tone your muscles. Regular exercise and meditation, apart from balanced diet, regular exercise and meditation are important. It helps you tone your muscles, teaches you the correct way to breathe and at the same time regulates the organs correctly and finally avoids stress. It could allow you to eat a lot and increase your caloric intake. And last but not the lease, losing weight doesn’t mean you have to skip meals. The absence of meals is one of the reasons for the increased calorie intake. So if you want to lose weight and your calorie intake, you should never skip any meal. Six small meals are better than three large meals. Stay fit and healthy.