After many years of putting off what I really didn’t want to do, I find myself coming back to the beginning of the circle. Realizing the era we are in, but missing out on a few years of the progression of technology, I was reluctant to spend so much time learning about such a broad subject. You see, I’m not the type of person who wants to be good at everything and the best at nothing. Well, I wish I had gotten over that and started getting into this thing called internet marketing and website building. I had no idea that I would be building three different sites at the same time, a couple of years from now. I really had no idea how far behind I would end up when I finally found out the inevitable. There is absolutely no other way to advertise effectively in today’s world. There is no other way for home businesses and small and medium sized businesses to compete against larger companies or gain market share. It is simply not possible to do it using traditional means.

Advertising on TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers is completely out of the price range for anyone but the big dogs these days. Other traditional media such as phone books and paper directories such as newspaper classified ads are completely outdated and ineffective, not to mention expensive. No one reads either. With Craigslist and other online directories like Yellow Book, people don’t turn those pages anymore. 97% of people looking for products and services search online before anywhere else. We have entered the era of new media marketing and advertising solutions.

With digital solutions for everything that used to take up so much space, we have the great convenience of having the world’s most valuable information in our hand, or in our back pocket or bag, wherever we go, as long as the battery lasts. With Google and other search engines, GPS, Google Maps, and the interconnected interactive world network of conglomerates and supergiants, it doesn’t take long for some of them to reach millions of people in an instant, or overnight, and consistent. We must face it, music life has changed drastically, business has changed drastically, so advertising and marketing has changed drastically because of all of the above. I finally had to face it and now I’m trying to catch up trying to start my own business, using the same techniques I was running away from.

I finally learned from making three websites, search engine optimization processes and then starting my own internet marketing web page, one thing is for sure, if I want to make money in your business, I have, I said I HAVE to advertise. It will always take money to make money. I mean, what, did you expect that you were going to make free money? Was I going to get free customers when Pepsi and Coca-Cola were paying millions of dollars a year just to keep their soda in my tummy? That’s one of the hardest things for a business owner to understand; I have to spend money to advertise. NO ADVERTISING = NO CUSTOMERS. If you’re a business owner and you’re not on the same page that I’m writing on right now, which is at the front of the marketing book, when you should be in the back nailing this, then please wake up and don’t You will make the same mistake that I did. Don’t run away from the issue of advertising, face it head on. It’s not too late. Everyone is fighting right now, and the more they fight, the more things change, so there’s still a chance to catch up and get on the bandwagon. It’s moving faster and faster, so you don’t want to miss it. If you don’t have a strong web presence, you’re going to grow. Spending the money, it’s just part of the game. You have to play to win.