As a dog owner, you probably often wish there was a magic formula to stop dog barking. He can be embarrassing, especially if the neighbors start complaining about the noise your dog makes. Also, some people are afraid of dogs and if you frequently go out in public with your canine, the barking of the dog can scare some people and therefore frustrate you.

So how do you stop dog barking when the time comes? There are a variety of ways to do it. All they need to do is be trained in a certain way not to bark.

Find out why your dog barks

The first step in stopping a dog from barking is to find out why it’s barking in the first place. Are they upset about something? Do they only do it when they see other dogs? Once you find out the cause, you can come up with a suitable plan to help your dog get rid of this habit.

Dogs bark to get attention.

However, one of the main reasons your dog barks is to get attention. They may be bored and want someone to pay attention to them or play with them. Or they could just be wanting your company. If your dog barks for this reason, you must understand that simply barking will not solve his problems.

In other words, try not to give them the attention they crave. The best way to deal with this is to just ignore them. Don’t talk to them, yell at them, or pay attention to them in any way. If they are going to learn to stop barking, just ignore them.

And if they don’t stop?

Let’s say you ignore your dog but it still barks constantly. There are a few possible reasons for this. The first is that they are barking because they are warning you of something. The second is that there could be something physically wrong with them. The third is that they just don’t care that you’re ignoring them.

In any of these cases, you should contact your vet to find an appropriate course of action. If you want them to learn to stop barking, you may need to bring in a stranger, such as an obedience trainer, to help them learn.