Many children today are so engrossed in the latest technology that they hardly have time to open a book and read. As teachers we have to help them develop a genuine love of reading at an early age.

So how exactly do we do this? Well, it doesn’t take a genius to do it. Here are some very easy and practical ways on how you can make your students love to read:

• Be an example to follow

Children learn best through modeling. Have you noticed how children often imitate the way you act or talk? In fact, sometimes they even act as a teacher and you will be surprised to see them imitate the way you move and talk to them in class. So you can imagine the extent of your influence among these young trainees.

If you want your children to love reading, you have to show them that you love it too. Read a book in front of your class once in a while, especially during recess or after school hours. Show them your collection of books and let them see that you enjoy reading them.

• Use a variety of reading materials

Children get bored easily, especially if they are always reading the same textbook. You should not only develop a love of reading in your students, but also teach them to appreciate all kinds of reading materials. Allow them to go to the library from time to time, where they can read encyclopedias, almanacs, diaries, fairy tales, legends and much more.

• Provide healthy reading activities

Many children don’t like to read because later the teachers just asked them questions and that’s it. Teachers often do not provide enrichment activities. As a teacher, you should have enough resources to come up with some healthy activities in line with reading. For example, if the children are reading a fairy tale, you can ask them to act out or draw their favorite parts.

Integrate reading into all your lessons. Let them read even if it’s not their English class. You can let them read the procedure in their science experiments or the directions in their arts and crafts activities. You should also assign homework that includes reading a variety of resources, from magazines to online references. In other words, you should make reading a part of your daily lessons. Once you can do all of this, it won’t be long before your children develop a genuine love of reading.