Have you ever been praying about something and it seems like the deadline is coming up and God hasn’t answered yet? Maybe you are in financial trouble and your bills are overdue and it seems like God doesn’t care about your situation. Just remember: God is never late, He is never early, and He is always on time.

Whatever situation you find yourself in today, remember that God has a plan for you. He knows what He is doing and if you trust Him for the answer, He will help you. Even when we are unfaithful, God is always faithful and ready, willing, and able to provide for our lives and take care of us. All He asks is that we trust Him as the Lord of our lives and know that He really has a plan for us, even if it doesn’t always seem like that.

Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God. That Bible verse couldn’t be more true. If we want to have faith, sometimes it is difficult. Although, reading God’s Word and memorizing it and then speaking it out loud to our spirits and situations, that now cultivates faith and makes a huge difference in our lives. That is faith in action and when we listen to God’s direction and take the necessary steps to build our faith and walk in obedience in the direction God guides us, miracles. Will occur. I can attest to that fact and have experienced God’s miracles, even at the eleventh hour!

For God to receive all the glory, he needs to perform a miracle. Now, I’m not saying that all your difficulties are God’s fault and He is doing it too. What I’m saying is that God works all things together for the good of those who love him. He has a plan and we must trust that He knows what He is doing. If my life can be a testimony to His miracle-working power as He moves daily in and out of me and my situations, then I am totally for that.

“Now faith is being sure of what you expect and sure of what you don’t see.” That verse is found in Hebrews 11: 1. Without faith it is impossible to please God. That’s where I want to be today, in a place where I believe God for the impossible … because all things are possible for God. I want to be in that place where I feel completely safe, knowing that He is the one who holds my future safely in the plan of His hand.

Where are you standing today? By what miracles are you believing in God?