Today I’m going to show you how to quickly and easily add an inch of muscle to your chest and increase your bench press.

All you need to do is follow this simple push up routine for a week and you will see incredible gains. I did this routine a few weeks ago and saw a noticeable increase in strength and muscle mass.

Before I started my chest was 39 inches and I could bench 255 twice. After I finished, my chest increased to 40 inches and I was able to bench 255 five times. This is an incredible increase in strength.

So here is the routine:

Day 1 is a work day, which is when you will build muscle. On work days, after you wake up, you will do as many push-ups as you can. This is your maximum set. Every 2 hours you will do another set of push-ups. Each set will be half as many pushups as the last set. If a set needs to be less than 5 push-ups, do 5 instead of half. Stop once you have done 5 sets.

Day 2 is a recovery day, which is when your body recovers so you can do another day’s work. Do 50% of your set max pushups from the day before when you wake up, then do the same number of pushups 2 hours later and you’re done for the day.

From here on you will alternate between work days and recovery days. Each working day will reset your max set when you wake up. Make sure you eat more than usual on work days and get plenty of protein. On day 1, my max set was 65. By day 7, my max set was 100. This routine can work for anyone, whether they haven’t exercised in years or hit the gym several times a week. . I have been going to the gym several times a week for over 3 years now and this routine added an inch to my chest and added over 20lbs to my bench. Give it a try, what have you got to lose? One week?

While doing this routine, I still went to the gym and worked my shoulders, back, and biceps, but avoided working my chest and triceps.