The diagnosis of celiac disease in a family member poses some problems for the rest of the family, because the celiac member requires celiac foods, foods that do not contain gluten.

A person with celiac disease is one who experiences serious physical and emotional reactions when eating foods that contain gluten. Their bodies can’t and never will tolerate gluten. They get sick when they eat gluten. A celiac disease diet, a gluten-free diet, is the only known treatment for celiac disease. Since there is no cure for celiac disease, a person with celiac disease must follow a celiac disease diet for the rest of their life.

Since many of the foods we normally eat at every meal contain gluten, this poses some issues for the rest of the family that need to be addressed. Does the family meal planner and cook prepare 2 meals at each meal, one containing only celiac food and one for everyone else? However, does the whole family eat gluten-free meals?

There are celiac support groups in every state. They will have opinions on this topic. Celiac support groups will also help you with other questions you may have, such as: What about eating out? Are there many restaurants that have food for celiacs on their menus? What restaurants?

Should celiac food be given to the whole family?

I think so for 2 reasons:

  1. It will be easier than preparing 2 meals at each mealtime
  2. It will probably mean healthier eating for the rest of the family, because eating celiac foods means they will eat more Fresh food and less processed food

Eating gluten-free means avoiding foods that contain wheat, barley, or rye. Foods that contain gluten include some staple foods in our diets such as bread, pasta, cereals, and many processed foods that contain wheat, barley, or rye.

The options for eating foods for celiacs are not as limited as one might think. Many foods are naturally gluten-free. For example, all fresh meat, fresh poultry, fresh fish, cheese, eggs, milk, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables are part of a celiac disease diet. And, rice and potatoes are good celiac food substitutes for wheat products. For example, people on a celiac disease diet may still enjoy bread and pasta made with potato, rice, soybean, or ground bean.

A celiac can never eat certain processed foods that other family members may enjoy like:

  • pizza
  • cake
  • Cake shop
  • donuts
  • Cookies
  • A lot of ice cream
  • chips
  • pretzels and other snacks

From time to time, these treats should not be denied to the rest of the family. As there are many gluten-free treats available today, it would be wise to provide them to celiacs as an alternative on these occasions.

Food for celiacs – where to buy it

Today there is a wide variety of celiac foods available to buy. While you can find gluten-free foods in most supermarkets, there are specialty stores that carry a more diverse range of these foods. It is important to locate the specialty store closest to you, because you will likely be visiting it to purchase foods and ingredients that are acceptable in a celiac disease diet.

You will probably be able to find this store on the Internet. If this is difficult for you, you can search for the celiac support group closest to you. Your website may contain the location of local stores that offer a wide range of celiac foods. Failing that, you can contact the celiac support group directly. They will probably be able to direct you to the store closest to you.

Food for celiacs and eating out

Going out to eat can be a challenge. Don’t avoid eating out; Getting a gluten-free meal at most restaurants and fast food outlets doesn’t have to be difficult.

Since there are other medical conditions besides celiac disease that require eating gluten-free, and since there are people who choose to eat gluten-free as a general health option, there are more people than you may think who seek gluten-free foods when eating. So you will find that some restaurants will have a gluten free menu. Request a gluten-free menu when contacting the restaurant or upon arrival.

Look for restaurants that offer the most variety and have staff members who will take the time to help you choose gluten-free options. Fresh fruit, fresh grilled meats (including poultry) and fish, fresh vegetables, salads, eggs, and potatoes can be staple options at many restaurants. People on a celiac disease diet are free to eat these foods.

When reading a menu, it’s helpful to focus on the food you can have rather than the food you can’t. When in doubt about a menu item, a person on a celiac disease diet should ask the server or chef about the ingredients and preparation.

A celiac support group will be able to provide you with a list of local restaurants that have menus with the widest variety of celiac-friendly foods.