Why keyword density?

When you are writing an article you propose to explain to the reader a topic of your choice. When it comes to articles posted on the internet, many people use simple search engine optimization or SEO techniques to make articles easier for search engines to read. One area of ​​SEO that many try to focus on is keyword density.

Keyword density refers to how many times a particular keyword appears in an article. So, for example, if you have an article with a Keyword Density of 2%, the word will appear 2 times per 100 words.

From a search engine point of view, having relevant keywords throughout your content is a good thing, as it gives “weight” to your chosen keyword. However, one should keep in mind not to go overboard with keywords, as this can be seen as keyword stuffing and can result in getting penalized by search engines.

The main disadvantage of trying to add keywords to articles is that you are ultimately writing content for humans. Many readers may realize that you are just trying to insert as many words as possible, as the flow and sense of the article begin to suffer. When it comes to long-term results and establishing a loyal reader base, it’s wise to make sure your content is high-quality and useful rather than just ranking high in search results.

What is the perfect density?

Sometimes it can be hard to find the right one keyword density. Ultimately, you should try to strike a perfect balance between search engine friendliness and reader satisfaction through article readability.

Many SEO experts recommend a keyword density of 1.5-2%, while others say it’s 5%. The thing to always remember when writing an article is who the reader will be: a human being. Since humans will read your article, write your content for a human, not a search engine.

Keyword density is just one component of content creation that needs to be implemented to ensure your article gets indexed by the various search engines; however, it is not the main component nor should it dictate or diminish the quality of your content.

Content is king and that is the number one rule that must be followed.