I had to run to the supermarket the other day because I ran out of milk and cereal for my daughter. While I was in the aisle where they had all kinds of candy, I saw another woman and a child. One moment the boy was very quiet and the next he was throwing tantrums and literally throwing things on the floor. No matter what his mother (I guess) told him, he couldn’t be placed. I have read many articles about having an out of control child and I know that it is not easy.

Normal children also throw tantrums, cry, even throw things on the floor. So how can you tell a normal child from a child who is out of control?

Here are signs that might help you determine if your child is out of control.

You may consider a child to be out of control when they often show aggression toward others or when they appear to be overwhelmingly arrogant, rude, or defiant when shown well-intentioned actions. Out of control, children can bite for no reason, throw tantrums at will with total disregard for their surroundings. They constantly spit, moan or cry or become manipulative just to get their way.

Sometimes you wonder where you went wrong and feel like you’ve failed as a parent. But if I were you, I would rather spend my time and energy finding a solution to the problem. There are many types of programs that can help you deal with your out of control child. An example of a show that really works, in my opinion, is James Leheman’s The Total Transformation.

Being the parent of an out of control child is not the easiest thing in the world. It is physically and emotionally exhausting, too stressful and overwhelming. However, he must know that he is not alone and that not everything is useless. I am going to share with you some tips that could really help you with your child.

Remind your child that your they are in control. How can your son respect you when he knows that he can control you? If you let this happen, then it’s the end for you. Follow through limitations/punishment. She cannot expect her son to recognize her authority if he cannot even implement the agreed limitation/punishment. Give verbal praise and not monetary rewards when your child has behaved well. This will also teach him that not all good things can be rewarded with money. Stand up for your authority while allowing your child the freedom to which he is entitled. Being too firm or too accommodating is not a good thing to practice and you need to know if she is doing it. Lastly, if you think she’s had too much to drink and is about to break down or fall apart, walk away and don’t let your son see that he has that kind of power over you.