Dear screenwriter, REMEMBER:

A script is not who you are.

Whether it occurs or not is not a reflection of your worth as a human being.

Repeat after me, even if OTHERS judge it as such, a script is not what you are. Period.

At best, it’s just a hint of the wonders that lurk within the folds of your infinite mind. It is a single drop of the mysterious infinite ocean that has stirred in you since the day you were born. “


“Dear screenwriter, REMEMBER:

A script is a blueprint for building a movie. Do not forget.

Its ultimate purpose is to help an audience get 90-120 minutes away from the daily grind and hopefully feel elevated as well.

Hopefully, they’ll feel better about themselves and life in general, even if they just watched a horror movie. It is a therapy through moving images.

A script is an invitation to entertainment and charm; it is not a life or death proposition. It is wonderful to imagine, write and enjoy, but it is not the end of the world.

You should be ready and happy to BURN all your scripts and never touch your pencil and keyboard again if, for example, it would help find a cure for cancer. “


“Dear screenwriter, REMEMBER:

1) The worst is over.

2) Even if you don’t write a single word, as Woody Allen put it so well, you won’t make it out of this alive.

3) So stick your butt to that chair and finish that @ # $ *% script! “


“Dear screenwriter, REMEMBER:

Being rejected is a future concern. It is not here now, at this very moment. Nor is it the past.

Don’t be afraid of being rejected by Hollywood because you’re either in it or you’re not.

If you’re in it, you licked yourself and you’re still ticking. It means they couldn’t reject you enough 🙂

If you are not involved, how can someone get you out of something that you are not a part of?

Rejection is a feeling that only you can attach to yourself like a scar. No one else can do it for you.

If you don’t do it to yourself, it will never be done.

Embrace the anti-NIKE slogan: Just don’t do it! “


“Dear screenwriter, REMEMBER:

Don’t feel bad about not writing CHINATOWN or BODY HEAT or CASABLANCA because not all movies are CHINATOWN or BODY HEAT or CASABLANCA.

There are thousands and perhaps tens of thousands of movies that go straight to DVD, shown on all kinds of cable channels, PPV channels, on regular TV networks, hospitals, schools, conventions, membership organizations, hotels, planes, ships. and buses, etc. . and God knows where else.

In the near future, we will all start watching movies regularly on our cell phones, websites, iPods, wristwatches and cameras, and perhaps on our toasters and refrigerators …

There are 3 BILLION people in India and China alone who will need tens of thousands of movies in the next few years.

Selling your scripts to any of those outlets should also make you very proud and satisfied. You don’t need to win an Oscar for a first-run feature to be happy as a professional screenwriter. “


“Dear screenwriter, REMEMBER:

You should never regret if your scripts are overwritten, rejected or changed, etc. Because writing and marketing scripts are not the worst things that can happen to a human being, far from it.

He has sold insurance, used cars and a waiter for a living.

He has sold kitchen knives, orthopedic beds and Tupperware going door to door.

He has worked as a journalist chasing pompous VIPs and politicians in search of noteworthy news crumbs that were forgotten the moment they were published.

As a wise and sensitive person, you are aware that, as we speak, people are losing lives and limbs in coal mines, ocean vessels, power plants, oil fields, and battlefields around the world as part of their daily jobs. regular.

Writing scripts is a blessing and a luxury, not the worst thing that can happen to anyone. Enjoy the privilege while you can. “


“Dear screenwriter, REMEMBER:

Your scripts already make you very happy because you write them with great joy and enthusiasm. They are all the things you would LOVE to see on that big screen.

You’re actually writing them down because you’re frustrated that you can’t go rent them at your favorite video rental store.

Hopefully someday soon they will also bring some money and recognition because you would love to treat your loved ones with much better material things in life.

But even if you die leaving a hundred unproduced scripts behind, it would be a life well spent. It already is. “