The purpose of cargo control is to ensure safe operation of each flight with respect to the weight and balance of the aircraft. We must ensure that any dangerous goods and / or various special cargoes are loaded in accordance with regulations. By properly loading luggage, we ensure that passengers’ luggage is delivered on time after arrival and the transfer of luggage connecting to other flights is granted. Load control can be done manually or in an EDP system. Each charge controller must be able to issue manual documents in the event of a system failure. Below you will find the purpose of the documents to be issued for each flight.


The purpose of the previous calculation is:

– Calculation of the estimated volume and weight needed to load luggage and mail.

– Best economic offer to the cargo department on weight and volume available for cargo.

– Calculation of the estimated weight of the aircraft. The dispatcher or commander needs this information to calculate the amount of fuel required for a flight.

– According to these calculations we can be prepared for eventual considerations to take in case of weight or volume problems that we may encounter.

The previous calculation is mandatory in the case of the manual load sheet, if the load sheet is calculated in an EDP system, it is optional.

Charging instruction

The purpose of loading instruction is to distribute the planned load for a flight ensuring that:

– The aircraft will be loaded according to our instructions.

– The center of gravity will be within certain limits.

– It avoids the overturning of the tail of the aircraft.

– Dangerous goods and various special cargoes are loaded according to the instructions.

– Upload is loaded and unloaded in the correct priority sequence.

Loading sheet

The purpose of the loading sheet is:

– Calculation of the weight of the actual load on an aircraft, ensuring that the structural and operational weight limits of the aircraft are not exceeded.

– Calculation of the center of gravity of an aircraft, making sure that the balance of the aircraft is within the given limits.

– Information to the crew on the weight, balance and passengers of an aircraft.

– Statistics

Notification to the captain

The Notification to Captain (NOTOC) shows all dangerous goods and miscellaneous special cargoes that are loaded onto an aircraft. This information is important to the crew in order to make proper procedural considerations in case of incidents.


Sending of necessary messages after the departure of the aircraft.


– Safety always has the first priority!

– The priority sequence of economic punctuality and passenger comfort depends on the situation.

– The correct application of the load control rules takes precedence over other station jobs, including punctuality.