Since the Nintendo Wii is one of the most popular consoles in the world, it’s no wonder many people seek to protect their Wii games, which are in DVD format. Unfortunately, these games are prone to damage and scratches, so it’s imperative that you can keep them protected…and the best way to do that is to make a copy and use it. However, it is notoriously difficult to copy Wii games thanks to all the protection Nintendo uses.

The problem with the Wii is that because it uses DVDs instead of cartridges, your games are prone to scratches…and many people have the ability to copy the games. This led Nintendo to use a lot of copyright protection on their games, making it difficult to illegally copy them. However, it also made it incredibly difficult for them to copy their legally owned games, making backup difficult.

The protection that Nintendo uses in its games is known as encryption. This is where Nintendo creates a special “language” that only Wii and Nintendo can understand. They then translate all the game data into this language so that when you put the disc in your PC to copy it, it looks like a mess. This means that if you want to copy Wii games, you need your PC to be able to read this encrypted language, so that it can copy the discs.

This encryption is the reason many people buy Wii mod chips. Because if you use a disc that isn’t encrypted, the Wii console will just ignore it because it thinks it’s been illegally copied. This means that to play Wii games on your console without a mod chip, you just need to be able to copy Wii discs perfectly, in a 1:1 ratio… and as you may have guessed, this is an incredibly difficult thing to do; thanks to the fact that there are hardly any tools/techniques that can read Nintendo’s encryption.