During our college years, we are required to take certain classes in order to graduate, such as a foreign language, math and/or science, and English. To many, these can be mind-numbingly boring or tediously difficult. Fortunately, many colleges and virtual schools have begun offering more interesting classes. The following are 7 of them:

1. The Vampire in Literature and Cinema

With the popularity of vampires increasing dramatically over the past decade, some professors hopped on the bandwagon. Assignments may range from Anne Rice to Twilight. There may even be bonus points for dressing up.

2. Invented Languages: Klingon and Beyond

If you’ve ever seen The Big Bang Theory, then you probably already know that dorky boys (and girls, but mostly boys) actually speak and understand Klingon, which was invented by the writers of Star Trek. This course will help you understand the basics such as grammar rules and social etiquette of Klingon and other invented languages.

3. Elvish, the Language of “Lord of the Rings”

Speaking of invented languages, this class is necessary because Elvish is much more intricate and detailed. JRR Tolkien created an entire mythology surrounding his invention from him from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Since it is widely discussed in his novels by him and ever-present in the popular movies, studying this may useful.

4. The American Vacation

Although it may sound like some strange form of torture to talk about vacations while stuck in a classroom, this class proves itself worthy with the interesting historical anecdotes you’ll learn. From the Grand Canyon to Florida, this course has it all.

5. The Science of Superheroes

Another slight homage to the men of The Big Bang Theory, this course will help you understand the real lessons behind Superman, Spiderman, Batman and more. If you are a more scientifically inclined comic book nerd, this is the course for you.

6.The Science of Harry Potter

Even though Harry Potter is all about witchcraft and wizardry, you’d be surprised how much science is actually behind it. It may not be as fun as a potions class with Professor Snape, but you’ll learn all about applying physics to things like Quidditch.

7. The Simpsons and Philosophy

Underneath all of the couch gags lies a much deeper meaning. Matt Groening and his team have worked hard for over 20 years to provide the world with solid entertainment, but what is the meaning? This course will enlighten you.

So, there you have it. 7 of the strangest, most hilarious, and most intriguing classes that are available right now in colleges and virtual schools across the world. Wherever your interest lies, there is a course for you. Find a college near you or search online for virtual schools and start learning today!