Clinical studies show that the benefits of fish oil are impressing doctors and patients alike… and realizing that this may be the second most important trait it can do for your vitality.

Tests are issued approximately every day as the health society discovers more data about the various notable benefits of omega 3s.

Unless you already know about them, here are seven proven benefits to know about:

1. Lower pains and inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids, specifically EPA, provide a very positive result in the inflammatory response. Through various mechanisms, they orchestrate your body’s cycle of inflammation, which slows and reduces painful conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and any other wellness problem with “itis” as a suffix.

2. Cardiac well-being. Omega 3 fatty acids have been recognized for their excellent performance when it comes to the heart and the miles and miles of arteries and veins that represent the cardiac system. They help lower bad cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and blood pressure, while increasing good HDL cholesterol… improving your life expectancy.

3. Remedy against stroke and sudden death from heart failure. When plaque builds up in the arterial vessels, it causes what is known as a thrombosis, in other words, a complicated way of saying the word clot. If a blockage gets stuck in the cerebellum, it causes a stroke, and when it blocks an artery, it causes a heart attack. Clinical studies show that omega 3s dissolve clots before they can induce disease.

4. Superior cerebellar efficiency and more advanced fitness. Pregnant women and nursing mothers can get a world-class impact on their children’s brainpower and happiness by supplementing with fish oil. For adults, EPA improves awareness, memory, insight, and focus. You will use that you are getting young and wise.

5. Decrease in Hopelessness and Melancholy. Making you wise is not all that omega3 does for the cerebellum. Researchers at the University of Sheffield, including several other academic papers, found that the best fish oil alleviates signs of despair and psychosis (Journal of Affective Disorder Vol. 48(2-3);149-55).

6. Reduced occurrence of childhood disorders. An example of how the best omega 3s and fatty acids leave no one out, evidence reports that babies (and adults) with hyperactivity and ADHD feel a vastly new quality of life.

7. Cancer Risk Minimization. Lastly, the best fish oil has been established to help prevent 3 of the most general forms of cancer: breast, colon, and prostate. Science suggests that EPA and DHA accomplish this in three ways. They halt the change from a generally healthy cell to anarchic disorder, stifling undesirable cell growth and responsible for apoptosis, or cancer cell death.

You should now see why learning about these benefits is the next most important thing you can do for your vitality. Can you imagine which is the most important?

That’s how it is! Now is the time to put your familiarity to use. Eat more cold water oily fish and start taking good grade pure omega 3 fish oil supplements regularly.