What if I told you that the key to losing the weight you want, gaining the muscle mass you want, and living a more successful life is right in your front pocket? You would probably laugh or laugh at me, right?

Well, it may not be in your pocket, but it certainly is in a convenient place that you have the power to own. All you have to do is just reach for it.

The key to your success is your attitude. Your attitude has the enormous potential to unlock and open doors in your life and in those around you.

Without sounding too cliché, consider all the achievements and accomplishments you’ve accomplished in your own life. If you really stop to think about all the great things that you have personally accomplished, all the triumphs that you have achieved, you will see this more clearly: your perseverance and your passion for the things that you have achieved come from your attitude. I am right? How could you achieve all the important victories in your life without a positive attitude? I don’t think it can be done.

And here’s the secret: to do meaningful things in our lives, we have to let go of what doesn’t make sense. Sounds simple, right? Actually, it is much more difficult than it seems.
We have to recognize that our attitude and perspective play a significant role in our ability to achieve our dreams. Just like anything else, it must have the right attitude to push us through the valleys: the times when we want to give up, when we think the journey is too long, and when there seems to be little hope left to change our lives. road. .

You have to believe that you can create a new body and leap to a new level of better health for yourself! Your attitude, like the rudder of a ship, will help guide you in the direction you want to go.

Certainly, each of us is different, each person has a particular body type and will experience different results, but the truth is that an attitude that points in the right direction with the actions taken can lead to drastic improvements. Even small changes in attitude about the foods we eat, our shopping routine, our exercise regimen, and our stress levels can have a significant impact over time.

I know that losing weight or working on your body can be difficult because you may have tried and failed before. I have been there with you. That’s why I’m not proposing a new “fad” diet in this book, because who really needs another fad diet? Rather, I am proposing a lifestyle change that over time leads to very radical results.

Let me say this again: Your ultimate success in losing weight, in changing your physique, in improving your health numbers, is essentially based on your attitude. Not just any attitude, but the right attitude that is positive, focused, and determined to improve. Like a spark, you have to focus on nurturing that attitude, protecting it from fading or being crushed. An attitude that keeps you moving forward, even if you have a “bad day” or a couple of bad days in a row, is more important than anything anyone can do for you.

Ultimately, your attitude begins and ends with you. You can have all the fitness experts and trainers in the world at your disposal, but if your attitude is not what it should be to facilitate the change you want, all will be in vain.

Your attitude is ultimately the “mortar” or glue that holds your clothes together. Your habits, in turn, are building blocks of your overall lifestyle. And it is your lifestyle that we will operate on, to ultimately change your health, your appearance, and ultimately the way you feel on the inside.

This process does not happen overnight. It never does! The sugar-sweet fantasy that today’s diets emphasize is this fact: that you can lose enormous amounts of weight while maintaining your lifestyle. If we stop to think about this for a second: Do we seriously believe that we can lose 30 pounds? weight eating chips and watching TV every night?

Everyone struggles to maintain a healthy lifestyle, healthy habits, and healthy attitudes. We are constantly bombarded with images of being unhealthy, constantly overfed, overmedicated, overstressed, and overworked. Often the seemingly easiest thing to do is order that greasy pizza, that basket of fries, or gobble down that bucket of ice cream. We often find ourselves without options and choices due to our personal circumstances. But we can make some changes today, tomorrow and the day after. Small changes that can tilt things in our favor. All of these add up. And eventually they will create the change we are looking for in our lives.

You will see that our body is ready to respond to the healthy choices we make. You’re ready to take a break from fat intake, sugar intake, to flush out toxins, heal, build lean muscle lows, and finally work optimally on all cylinders.

Together, all of this makes us fearful, unhappy, angry, and tired individuals. Meanwhile, obesity rates are rising, people are dying and suffering every day from heart disease; And then there is diabetes, which poses challenges for millions of people. Honestly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle for us is no longer just about looking good, it’s really about surviving.

What is the alternative to making poor health decisions? You see it around you. For many of us, living into our 50s and not having heart disease, diabetes, or some other health ailment brought on by unhealthy choices, sedentary lifestyle, pollution, stress, and/or poor diet is truly a miracle these days. Today, heart disease and diabetes are the two leading causes of death in the United States. And the crazy thing is that both are almost 100% preventable, if not manageable. That’s why it’s more important than ever to monitor your health, but more importantly to change our lifestyle in a new, healthier direction.

Now, many people may assume that they will have to “give up” all of their favorite foods to enjoy their ideal weight and good health. Many diets do that. You have to give up this and that, and never drink this… ah, so many impractical rules! Who can live like this?

Here’s the thing, I’m not asking you to give anything up! I know what you’re thinking: Huh? I’m not asking you to give up anything. Why? Simply put, this isn’t a crash diet, it’s a lifestyle change. I’m going to ask you to start making better – or different – choices you’ve made to improve your health, lose weight, and feel better.

Okay, to be fair, maybe I could be asking you to give up a few things: I’m asking you to give up your fatigue, your stress, your moodiness, and your feelings of desperation to lose weight. Ultimately, however, the choice is yours. It has always been your choice. Many of us have been misled into thinking otherwise.

Living the life you want to live may require you to focus more on certain healthy foods than others, but it doesn’t require you to give up every delicious or “sinful” food available. If you think I’ve given up some of my favorite foods like ice cream and the occasional glass of wine, I assure you that’s not the case. I still enjoy a lot of my food, only in moderation.

The difference now is that I know where all of these foods fit into my meal plan and how I can enjoy them while maintaining my weight and feeling great. The same goes for you too.

Don’t throw in the towel or give up because you think you can’t live up to all the principles, follow all the strict rules every day! This is not an all or nothing deal. It is you implementing each principle to the best of your ability, every day, and allowing the changes to add up to a sum greater than we can imagine.