With the number of recent injuries to WWE Superstars like Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and The Undertaker, WWE has started to look a bit short when it comes to the top genuine players on the card. This made me think of years gone by when it seemed like an endless line of WWE Superstars fighting for the top spot, which brought up an interesting question.

Which wrestlers from the past or present, living or dead, would I have loved to see return in their prime to help WWE in the current injury crisis? Here’s the 5 yo thing.

Bret “The Hitman” Hart

I’m sure Hitman would be on many lists of superstars that people would love to see return, not just to WWE but to wrestling in general. Undoubtedly one of the greatest in-ring performers of all time, he would definitely enhance the current roster and perhaps help make superstars of guys like Mr. Kennedy the same way he did “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Also, a battle of the Canadians with Edge would make a fantastic display.

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin

WWE could certainly use a bit of “Stone Cold” magic, it could help John Cena finally become the megastar WWE longs for by joining him and he would be a great opponent for Legend Killer Randy Orton.

Brock lesner

I was undecided about what power I’d like to give back between Lesner and Goldberg, but I opted for the guy with the most potentially big feuds. Cena, Batista and Bobby Lashley would all be potential fight leads and just imagine the potential of a fight with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

“Macho Man” Randy Savage

It’s not an obvious choice, but every time I think of my favorite moments from years past, Randy Savage is a name that comes up quite a bit, especially his incredible performance in the match against the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 7. Who did he meet? would fight? I’m not sure, maybe Edge would be my best bet, but it would be great to see him in the ring one more time.


This is definitely a personal choice of mine that I don’t expect many to agree with. I always feel like Vader is one of the most underrated superstars in wrestling history, especially his time as a monster in WCW, where his fights with Cactus Jack and Sting still live up to two of my favorite fights of all time. John Cena, Bobby Lashley and Batista are all opponents who would benefit from a fight with the monster heel.

I had to write this before changing my mind again, as the likes of Davey Boy Smith, Rick Rude, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Sting, The Dynamite Kid, and The Rock have appeared on my list. sometime today and I’m sure your list would be different too.