Most of us, who have witnessed the administration of various presidents, believe that Donald Trump, in many ways, is unlike any of those who preceded him. For some, this seems like good news, but polls seem to indicate that for the majority, it is not! Especially in times of stress, anxiety and uncertainty, such as those we are currently experiencing, from a health perspective, as well as the many apparent risks on an international scale, in addition to the environmental and climatic challenges we face, Americans should be comforted, and perceived, the leader of the free world, is worthy of and earns your trust and security. Due to many factors, and the many apparent lies and misstatements, made by this president, as well as his changing stories and comments, it appears that we are suffering from perception, lack of trust, and trust in our nation’s leader. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss 4 examples that dramatically point this out and demonstrate it.

1. Russia / Comey / Mueller: For most of us, there is something suspicious and suspicious in general, Russia’s behaviors, both during and after Trump’s election. Apparently, if you are innocent and not hiding anything, why have you spent so much time and effort prohibiting members of your administration from testifying and withholding so many seemingly relevant documents? Whose story seems more credible, that of former FBI Director Comey or that of the president? Why did Attorney General Barr find it necessary to provide an incomplete, if not misleading, interpretation prior to filing the Mueller Report? Even a Federal Court of Appeals, recently ruled, Congress has the right to see what was written and why. When all the Intelligence agencies, as well as the Senate Committee (with a Republican president) claimed that Russia interfered with the 2016 elections, if there is nothing suspicious, why has so much effort been invested, seeming to articulate a false narrative?

two. Ukraine: No one except President Trump and some of those loyal to his party believe that Hunter Biden committed misconduct or that Ukraine interfered in place of Russia. Why, then, has Trump repeatedly articulated this narrative?

3. Coronavirus: It is embarrassing to witness our president speak about this current health risk! In what was announced, as a speech to the nation, which would respond, and consolation, it became necessary, almost immediately, that several of his statements be contradicted and corrected. Since the beginning of this global scare and concern, the White House has produced a less than stellar response, and consistently, articulated a message, claiming it was part of a political hoax. At best this is concerning, but at worst more than a little, embarrassing!

Four. Social Security, Medicare, etc: Although, he articulates, during campaign appearances, how strongly he supports Social Security, Medicare, and protects people with pre-existing conditions, his actions and other speeches seem to indicate contrary behavior. Your last couple of budgets, reduced support for Medicare, etc., and your administration, is suing, to deny all aspects of the Affordable Care Act, including the protection of pre-existing conditions (without introducing any alternative plan) . How and why should anyone trust anything that comes out of their mouth?

When there is a general, permanent joke, How do you know when President Trump is lying? and the answer is, When your lips move it is evident, there is a crisis of confidence! Wake up, America, and demand better, and a leader, who will earn and deserve your trust and respect!