When Amazon first introduced its recommendation engine, we were blown away. The fact that a website could recognize a returning visitor, discern their interests, and change their experience on the site accordingly felt amazing.

Since then, data-driven personalization has become popular. However, it is rare in the marketing space, likely due to a lack of understanding of how it works.

What is dynamic content?

Dynamic content is the ability of a website, ad, or email body to change based on a visitor’s past interests or behaviors. Create a personalized experience specifically for the viewer or reader at that moment. The best known example is Amazon’s recommendation engine, mentioned above.

How does dynamic content work?

The key to the value of this content is its relevance. Research shows that marketing that is more targeted and relevant to the end recipient gives better results. For example, relevant emails generate 18 times more revenue than broadcast emails. And leads nurtured with targeted content lead to a 20% increase in sales leads.

Relevance stems from information. Information about the materials that are important to a potential customer in their relationship with your brand will help create relevant content. And demographic and contact information help deliver the right content to the right person at the right time.

Dynamic Content Marketing Strategies

Use dynamic content with purpose and be intentional about its use as it creates a better experience for your leads and customers.

When integrating dynamic content into your marketing strategy, you need to know how you’ll improve your prospect’s time with your emails or on your website.

How to integrate dynamic content into your marketing strategy:

Eliminate repeat conversions

If a customer downloaded a certain offer or purchased a certain product, use dynamic rules to remove that offer from your view. This will help you create a shopping or website experience that never gets old for your customers. And you will be able to expose your customers to new offers or products, which will increase your conversions and sales.

Adapt to the lead lifecycle stage

The stage of a lead’s lifecycle refers to how far along a visitor is in your decision-making process. Is this your first visit? Are you ready to make a purchase? Are you evaluating options?

By getting to know a particular prospect, you can avoid overselling them early in their journey. Plus, you can avoid missing out on an opportunity to sell to someone who is ready to buy.

Dynamic content mistakes to avoid

Data inaccuracy

Dynamic content relies on collecting your data correctly. So get the data right and have ways to correct inaccurate data.

Have you launched a new product? For your existing customers, you can use the content to invite them to buy your new product. But even with reliable data, you might have some names or data points wrong. Therefore, it is important to have a way for your customers to update their information.


Dynamic content helps you personalize in exciting ways. But remember the reason you are customizing. Don’t use customization just because. Consider how you will help or guide your prospects. Improper customization is ineffective and unwarranted.