You may already know that animation includes 2D and 3D computer animations.

Creating 3D animations with 3D Modeling Software is a reference to working with moving images in a digital environment, which is three-dimensional, due to a careful sequence of consecutive images, which are technically called “frames”. This makes motion simulation possible. This simulation is done when each image continues to very gradually appear over one another in sequence.

When you watch an animation, the motion is simulated in a way that your eyes tend to believe that the actual motion has occurred. This sensation of movement is only produced by the later images that have changed very quickly.

A traditional face of computer animation as an art form is the application of 2D animations. Two-dimensional animation is the designs that are made or created using paper and also those that are created on celluloid film. This form is also called cell animation and hand drawn animation.

But let’s go back to the main topic, 3D modeling or animation. Not too long ago, this new type of art developed as computers were increasingly used to create 2D images. 3D modeling relies more on computers to highlight characters and objects to build a three-dimensional environment in nature. So instead of all kinds of drawings by hand, all the figures are created by computer programs, called 3D modeling software. All images are stored on the computer, making it easy to edit or manipulate further, and can be easily shared online or over a network, making teamwork much easier.

Keep in mind that many of these ready-to-use computer animation packages are useful, but they differ in levels of complexity and the features that come with them. It’s desirable to learn 3D computer animation and the basics of 2D even before you go out and get the full package. Remember, while the products are great, the packages like Maya and 3D Max are quite expensive!

So if your ambition is to create your own 3D characters and animations, then you need to get a good 3D modeling software program. I’m assuming you have a good PC or Mac, but keep in mind that most studios these days use proprietary software for 3D computer animation.