No, it’s not grammar. In 2021, there is more to it than perfect English. The tectonic shift from traditional advertising to digital advertising creates the need to be a digital copywriter rather than just a copywriter. The more you know about one of the social media the more is the possibility of surviving in the competitive market. If you don’t know the latest trends, the obstacles in your career will be amplified in the future. You may think you need to educate yourself on social media, but you don’t.

In this article, I’ll help you understand what basic understanding you need to have about social media when it comes to writing copy.


It is a single post consisting of multiple images in the form of slides. A thought expresses your idea in a series of images.
There are three things you need to understand here: header, back copy header, and back copy.

Header: the lines that go into each image in the carousel

Back Copy Header – A line about the thought conveyed in the header

Post text: a short two-line description of the title and a call to action.


They are the most attractive form of audiovisual media on social media today. Most of the brands worldwide depend on them to promote their products through reels. A simple two or three line header goes on reels. Most of the time, only music and video get the job done, as the purpose is to drive engagement with visual communication. Go to any brand’s Instagram page to see the reels. They are creative and fun.

Static Posts

It’s a single image post with a creative title. Just like a carousel, it has a header, a post header, and a post copy. The main focus here is the caption used on the image. Keep it minimal but more impactful. The purpose is to strike a chord with the target audience in a minimum number of words. You can briefly explain the rest of the concept in the back copy. Sometimes static posts can also be in the form of GIFs. For example: In a food-focused post, one might show a wisp of smoke billowing into the air from a bowl of rice.


Also known as Instagram TV, they are usually video posts of more than 1 minute. It can be a corporate video, a full commercial that lasts up to 5 minutes. Typically, the requirement is a script based on the brand’s brief guidelines. The increasing use of mobile phones and social networks has forced brands to promote their products even on social networks.

promotional publications

These are offer-focused posts similar to carousels. One thing to consider here is that the header and description must be at or within 40 characters. Try to include the offering price in the first two words. Get the customer’s attention. It is one of the social media marketing techniques used by brands to attract potential buyers.