It’s true, there are dozens if not hundreds of different ways to make money online. And more importantly, most of these ways are 100% legal and legit. However, many people assume that they can quit their day job and go online for their main stream of income. There is a little more than that.

There are a few things you have to consider.

First, choose a way that works for you, and then come up with a marketing plan. Because without a marketing and sales plan, your business is doomed to fail.

Most people jump online without giving much thought to how they will market.

For those looking for internet business opportunities and ways to earn a few extra bucks or build a full-time business, we’ve outlined four ways to make money online and what you can expect from each internet opportunity.

o Complete our surveys: Companies will pay you a few dollars to complete multiple surveys. People have suggested that they have earned $300 or more for a day’s work. The truth behind this online business scheme is that although it is possible to make money by filling out surveys, you will not be making $300 a day. Most surveys require you to pay to access a database where you then have to bid and receive. The more time you spend signing up with these companies, the more money you will earn. However, keep in mind that this can be time-consuming and mind-numbing for many.

o Review articles, places, restaurants, etc. This is another great way to earn extra money fast. You can literally review anything you want, as long as it’s legit and you’ve really experienced this. This can include something as trivial as a toothbrush or as radical as McDonald’s. You will be paid between $2.00 and $.40 for each review, depending on whether or not they meet the company’s quality and standard. You can’t expect to get rich quick, but if you enjoy doing your bit and have some time, this is one of the ways you can make money online.

o Affiliate Marketing – If you are willing to learn the facts and figures about web hosting, web design, affiliate marketing, and Google AdWords, then you can get paid every time someone visits your website. However, you will need to do your research and keep your website up to date. You will also most likely have to pay a certain fee to get a domain name and register with a web hosting company. Also keep in mind that you will not earn hundreds of dollars a day.

Now, if you’ve been told that you don’t have to have your own site to do affiliate marketing, that’s only been true in the past. Because if you plan to use Google Adwords, you’ll need your own hosted landing page and then you can send it through your affiliate link to the site you’re promoting. It’s a bit more work, but can be very profitable if set up correctly and, once again, with a solid marketing plan.

o Resell Rights – These are similar to affiliate marketing, only you have much more control over how much money you can keep. With affiliate marketing, anyone can sign up and promote the product. With resell rights, you buy the “rights” to sell the program and keep 100% of the profits, less the cost of fulfillment. Because there is some sort of cost involved, it usually slashes and sometimes eliminates the competition.

This is by far the most profitable way to make money online, selling a real product, without having to create and produce one. Sort of like a franchise. And unlike affiliate marketing, you actually control the list of prospects you build with resell rights, because it all comes through your own website.

There are many different types of shows that you can buy the rights to. You have to choose the one that best suits you.