Food cravings take over most of us. If you’ve been on a diet before, you know it doesn’t feel too difficult until “food cravings” hit. When they do, it can seem almost impossible to stay on course with your weight loss plan.

With that said, there are steps you can take to help keep your cravings in check. Let’s take a look at five strategies you should consider putting to good use …

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Hydration is a must when on a fat loss plan, not only to help keep your metabolic rate in good working order, but also to help ensure optimal energy levels.

Besides that, it will also help keep cravings at bay. The next time you have a food craving, try drinking a glass of water. Wait ten minutes and see if the craving doesn’t pass.

2. Combine macros wisely. Know how to mix your macros carefully. If you eat a meal that is high in carbohydrates, you will soon have cravings for more carbohydrates. Instead, focus on eating protein with your carbs, possibly with some added fat.

This is what will help keep your blood sugar levels stable, which in turn keeps cravings at bay. While you don’t have to avoid carbs entirely, they should be paired with some other macro.

3. Try new foods. Don’t get stuck in a diet routine – this happens over and over again to many people. They end up eating the same foods over and over. Before they know it, they are off the diet and cheating.

Make sure to include a new food in your diet plan each week. Whether it’s a new protein source, a new vegetable, a new fruit, or even a different spice or seasoning – just try something new to help keep your taste buds interested in eating healthy.

4. Eat regularly. If you get carried away for hours between meals, this will only trigger cravings. Eat every two to three hours during the day. This will also give you better control over the amount of food you are eating, making it easier for you to maintain your target calorie intake.

If you become too hungry, you may find that you are bingeing on everything in sight.

5. Don’t go to extremes of calories. While it is good to create a decent calorie deficit to generate weight loss results, avoid losing too much or you are setting yourself up for failure.

Starvation diets don’t work. Not only will they slow down your metabolism, but they will also cause hunger, making you crave for everything under the sun. Any meal will sound good since you are so depleted of nutrition.

Try the tips above as you progress on your weight loss diet and see if you can’t eliminate your cravings for good.