The hotwife lifestyle attracts many open-minded men and women who are in a strong relationship and want to explore beyond the horizons of traditional sexuality regarding marriage and monogamy.

The hotwife lifestyle differs from polyamory or open marriage because it specifically refers to a man’s wife having one or more sexual partners outside of marriage while the man remains faithful to his wife.

At first glance, this seems unfair and biased in favor of women, but the truth is that most women enter the hot wife lifestyle at the behest of their husbands. It is a very common fantasy for men to want to see their wives having sex with other men, and it has its roots in evolutionary biology.

However, we are not robots, and despite the undoubted attraction that this lifestyle has for many men (and women, once they have been persuaded to try it), there are more than enough stories of how the lifestyle of hotwife has ended in disaster for us. To conclude, it raises some very real emotional pitfalls and pitfalls.

So if you’re thinking of taking your first tentative steps into the hotwife lifestyle, here are three simple tips beginners might find helpful in avoiding some of the bigger pitfalls.

First, your man needs to feel emotionally secure. Once you’re done thrusting, shaking, and typing, you’ll be kissing and hugging your lover. That is natural. But if her husband is present (or imagine if he isn’t, he’s not stupid), then he will play on her emotions.

Therefore, she must remember that he will need reassurance and reassurance after she has done the act, and after each time it has done.

SecondOpen and honest communication is paramount. One problem couples often face is that when the woman goes off and makes love to another man, she, for whatever reason, is reluctant to talk about it: shyness, misplaced guilt, whatever. be.

But that’s not how most men want it. If they aren’t actually present watching, they most likely want to make love to her wives the moment they walk through the door while she tells them in exquisite detail down to the last detail, leaving nothing out of it.

She can’t have her cake and eat it and expect her man to be happy about it.

Y third, everyone is different. Also, every dynamic between different individuals is different. What this means in the hotwife lifestyle is that what he does with you, her husband, will be different than what he does with her mistress.

She may like things that you don’t, but he does. It is possible that he is taller than you, so he can do different things. Maybe he is older or likes different positions.

The point is that you can’t realistically expect her to do exactly the same with you she does with him. It’s not a judgment of your value as a lover, it’s just how things are sometimes.

Remember: the hot wife lifestyle is supposed to be fun and beneficial to your marriage. So don’t worry about irrelevant details and let them ruin your fun.