Have you ever wondered WHY that “secret law of attraction” doesn’t work for you?

It really all stems from some simple laws of human nature …

The fact is, we are ultimately consumed by a survival instinct …

For example, if you and I were walking and we saw a newspaper with a headline: “Sunny and beautiful days ahead” … we would probably just smile and keep walking.

However, if that headline said, “A Big Storm Is Coming” and, assuming it’s relevant to our local area, well, we’d probably have to buy that newspaper! Because it’s a question of what we NEED, and that supersedes what we think we want.

And there is a reason for that. We are all programmed to BE AWARE of things that could harm us, so that we can survive. We would buy that paper out of NEED to be prepared to be safe in the event of a storm.

Now let’s think about the other things in our lives that we CONSTANTLY think about to keep us “safe.” How often do we review our bills and think about our debt? How often do we think about what to do to avoid getting sick?

We worry about sitting next to the guy on the plane who’s coughing, we worry about how to get the funds to pay our bills, we worry about how that new younger employee who seems to have everything together can replace us … worry, worry, to worry.

Therefore, we are, in effect, allowing that secret law of attraction to work against us!

We have all heard of the extraordinary power of meditation. But, when you think about it, worry is really a negative medication! It’s putting all your thoughts, emotions, and feelings into the worst possible outcome!

Of course, we can’t all live in a world of marshmallows and hide our heads in the sand. We need to protect ourselves. But there is a good balance between protecting yourself and staying positive.

How can you turn that epidemic of “not wanting” to work for you with the secret law of attraction?

Face your problems head-on, come to terms with them, and come up with a plan to make yourself comfortable. Adopt a budget or health and wellness strategy that works for you and stick to it, and stay focused on the result, as if you already had it.

How to use the secret law of attraction to your advantage …

As mentioned above, people are drawn to negativity. We stop and look when we see an accident on the road. Our current media is constantly talking about what our politicians did wrong, and we listen.

Why is the media criticizing all this negativity?

Because that’s what SELLS! (Remember the “Big Storm Coming” newspaper mentioned earlier?)

Now imagine picking up that newspaper, reading it, finding out what you can do to prepare, and then discovering another way to make sure you never have to worry about another storm again.

Obviously, someone is getting rich by taking the epidemic of “I don’t want to” out of us. Why not let it be you? You’re reading this because you thought that learning about the “epidemic of not wanting” was more interesting than hearing that old “secret law of attraction” again, telling yourself, once again, that you can have, be, or do whatever you want.

And you can. But that’s NOT what attracted you, right? You wanted to know about that negative thing.

So when it comes to marketing, grab your readers’ attention by announcing the negative and then making them happy, but turning the negative into a positive result. And let the secret law of attraction work in your favor by letting your reader know your negatives and how you turned them into positives.