Are you really ready to lose those unwanted pounds? Then start RUNNING!

Let me start this article by asking a question I ask my clients all the time: Why do people who are trying to lose weight spend endless hours on the elliptical machine, stair climber, or stationary bike? The answer: because they were told that this type of exercise is what works.

Have you been doing mediocre, slow cardio to burn fat and hours of exercise to burn fat? So listen up! Have you been doing this type of cardio for a while and just aren’t seeing the results you want? So don’t do what most people do. They ramp up their workouts, go for longer sessions on the elliptical, or add another mile to that slow jog. Instead… ARREST! I want to introduce you to a way to not only lose those unwanted extra pounds, but also to build strength and help you maximize your time.

With the Beijing Olympics in full swing, I want you to do me a favor… watch a track meet and ask yourself this question: who would I rather have my body look like, the sprinter or the long-distance runner? I will answer the question for you: the speedster, of course! The sprinter’s physique is great! Look at it- LEAN, MUSCULAR, SEXY Did you know that running will not only give you a great looking body, but it can also help you shed those stubborn and unwanted pounds?

Those long-distance runners and cyclists look very skinny, which can be very deceptive. That skinny look is simply because they have very little muscle mass, and surprisingly, their body fat percentage can be quite high. Too much of that prolonged cardio can cause you to gain fat and lose muscle. Excessive cardio increases stress hormones in your body, causing muscle-preserving hormones like testosterone and growth hormone to downregulate. Also, elevated levels of stress hormones make your body resistant to insulin, leading to overeating. This can also lead to eating foods, such as sugars and starches, that contribute to insulin resistance.

Top 3 reasons why you should run:

1.) Sprint to build strength: As you run, you will work every muscle in your body. When you run, your body must recruit a large number of muscles. These working muscles will build more muscle and you will become stronger with every step you take. Therefore, running is a great way to build definition and tone those specific areas. If you want defined legs, slim hips and firm buttocks, start running!

2.) Sprint to speed up your metabolism: Running will burn a ton of calories and boost your metabolism at the same time. Running will increase your body’s ability to increase HGH, which is the body’s natural fat-burning hormone. Research shows that high-intensity exercise, such as sprinting, can keep your metabolism revved up for days. Everyone knows that when you exercise you burn calories, but most people don’t know that the higher the intensity you work at, the more calories you’ll burn after exercise. You can still burn calories hours, even days, after your workout. Also, don’t forget about your heart, the most important muscle in your body. The cardiovascular benefits you receive from sprinting are tremendous.

3.) Sprint to have fun and maximize your time: Who has fun doing long, boring stretches of slow cardio on a machine? Who has time to drive to a gym, sign up, change clothes, ride the elliptical for 45 minutes, and drive home? I don’t know about you, but I have better things to do with my time, like spending time with family, earning money, etc… You can be very creative when it comes to putting together a sprint routine so that you enjoy doing it. As for the time it takes…let’s just say you’ll never feel guilty about wasting time working out again. Think back to when you were a kid, how many times did you go out and run several slow miles? Never, except if they made you in physical education class. You would run at full speed, almost every day! He ran on the playground, he ran on the basketball court, he ran to his friend’s house across the street, and he ran home at dinner time. BECAUSE? Because running is natural and it is a very valuable human nature to possess. Ask: So why don’t we run more?

Answer: Because as a society we have become lazy! Change that today… Start running!

Before going for a run…

– Always start your workouts with a proper warm-up. – Sprint workouts feature short bursts of high intensity along with adequate recovery. – Sprint means “to run or move at full speed.” – Each sprint must last at least 8 seconds.

– Start by performing 5 to 10 repetitions with the total distance of your runs not to exceed 400 to 800 yards/meters. These sprints should be divided into 50-100m each series. – For your recovery time between sprints, you should walk twice the distance you just ran. – You need to recover so that each set can be executed at full speed, or almost. – Intensity is the goal, not volume. – Beginners can start by doing 50% to 80% stacks until their body is ready to run at full speed. Work your way up to doing progressively more sprints each session. – Always run on a flat, clean and smooth surface such as a track or grass. It’s not a good idea to sprint on concrete. – Sprint workouts should be done 2-3 times a week.

Start maximizing your time! Train less and lose more body fat faster by exercising smart. Start incorporating sprints into your exercise routine today!