It must be pretty horrible to be afraid of kissing, and you don’t have to since you can cure halitosis or bad breath quickly and easily if you know how.

The agony of a boy who is afraid when a girl approaches must be terrible, and for a girl too, since women also suffer from bad breath. Kissing is a normal thing for teenagers and, in fact, for anyone. Being afraid of a kiss must be horrible.

Even if you can’t smell your own breath, you’ll know yours stinks when people move away from you when you talk, or someone of the opposite sex shudders away when you get close. You have to do something about it besides brushing your teeth, and do it fast.

What causes halitosis?

This article will give you information on how to cure that problem, but first let’s take a look at the causes of halitosis and dispel some myths. Halitosis is caused by foul-smelling sulfur compounds that are products of protein breakdown by bacteria that live in the mouth. Although poor dental care can contribute, it is not the main reason. These bacteria are natural and meant to be in your mouth, but in some cases they start working overtime and break down some proteins too quickly, generating these nasty volatile compounds.

Bacteria live deep in the tongue and cheeks

The bacteria are anaerobic, meaning they work best in the absence of oxygen, so they don’t live on the surface, but deep inside the tongue, between the papillae or rough bumps on the tongue, on the cheeks, and in the throat. . That’s why brushing doesn’t help much. They thrive in dry mouths, where a lack of oxygen-containing saliva creates ideal conditions for them. Dry mouth can be caused by some medications such as antihistamines and high blood pressure treatments, and also by alcohol. Hence the ‘dog’s breath’ the morning after a heavy night!

Protein-rich foods also cause halitosis, and the acidity of coffee accelerates the activity of bacteria. A cheeseburger and coffee is probably worse before a date than eating onions! Sinus problems also create bad breath and are almost impossible to eradicate after sinus surgery. So what can you do to cure your problem? It is, after all, a serious problem as it can affect your success in romance and also your employment prospects. No employer wants someone with bad breath talking to customers, so he has to do something and do it fast. Luckily, there is a cure for bad breath.

How to cure bad breath

The cure lies in the fact that the bacteria are known to be anaerobic. They don’t like oxygen. It is therefore assumed that if you apply a substance rich in oxygen it will prevent the little ones from doing so much damage to your mouth. The compounds that you can smell are called Volatile Sulfur Compounds or VSC. If you can stop the bacteria from creating them, then you’ve found the solution.

There are oxygen-rich compounds that can be used for this. If applied as a paste to the tongue and cheeks, and removed with a tongue scraper, they are very effective. The treatment can then be supplemented with oxygenated mouthwashes and toothpastes to reach the body of the tongue and cheeks. Brushing the tongue and cheeks with a soft toothbrush is also effective. These compounds can also break down VSCs into odorless substances.

Once you have bad breath under control, you can keep it in check by watching the protein you eat. You don’t have to stop eating protein-rich foods like cheese and fish, just be aware that you’re eating them, and then wash your tongue and cheeks. This prevents bacteria from building up and breaking down the waste.

Ordinary toothpaste is not effective

Ordinary toothpaste is not good enough for this, but there are pastes available that contain high-oxygen materials. More details are available on my website if you want them, or you can try asking your pharmacist. However, you should be prepared for an outdated view that halitosis is caused by poor oral hygiene, which it definitely is not. It is a condition that some people have, which is caused by naturally occurring friendly bacteria and certain medical or dietary conditions. In some cases it can be genetic.

Better oral hygiene may help a little by masking the problem, but it won’t cure it. A reduced intake of alcohol is only a temporary cure if the condition is caused by too much alcohol, but not if there is another cause. In that case, the alcohol just makes things worse rather than the main cause.

Don’t be afraid to kiss

Don’t be afraid to kiss. You can cure bad breath or halitosis quite easily if you do it the right way. Do not try to cure it in any other way than by attacking the bacteria with oxygen. You won’t kill them as they are there all the time and will easily regenerate after an antibacterial treatment like mouthwash. The only real cure is to use a highly oxygenated compound.

I myself suffer, but I have never had a problem with my breathing for the last two years.