“It’s not just that when one door closes, another door opens.

When a door closes, choirs burst into choruses, orchestras orchestrate, buglers trumpet, marching bands march, dogs catch Frisbees, cats “chou, chow, chow”, pigs fly, and 10,000 doors open. new doors.

Kind of makes you want to close a door, huh?


The universe”

Many have heard this said before: “when one door closes, another one opens”. It is partially true when it comes to closing one door, but you should keep in mind that many others are available to you in your life. There is NO other gate out there, there are many gates for you to choose from. When you close a door, you close the past and move forward. You focus on things that are happening today and not yesterday. What is in the past remains there, so there is no need to focus too much on it. It can’t be changed anyway, so what’s the point. When you look at your life, depending on what you do today will affect your future. I have never seen seeds planted and grow the next day. It takes months of work and care for the crop to flourish. This is what you should do with all of your opportunities. Work on your dreams, pay attention to all the details, focus on what you need to do today so you can seize a better life tomorrow. Looking to the future is important, but as we all know, even with the best planning, things don’t turn out the way we hoped. Changes occur, existential circumstances give results that are not always in your favor. Will you let that get you down or down? Will you let the bad news bring you to your knees and keep you there permanently? I hope not. When events don’t happen the way you want, that means BETTER is ahead. The Universe knows that there is still more to come.

We are all human and we are affected by the good and the bad. We strive for a better life, but everything happens. We have to deal with that and move on. It is important to master that part of your life. I am not saying that you remain passive with each event that is happening, assertiveness is very important and you must go for what you believe and not just accept things as they are. You want to chase your dreams, work hard at it, make a difference and not stop until it happens. Even if you put in all the hard work, it might not turn out the way you wanted. Should you jump off the Golden Gate Bridge for that? Absolutely not. Regardless of the outcome, it opened other doors that offer better options and more exciting results compared to the original. Always walk with your head held high and seek to improve your life at every opportunity. Are you worried about what others will think of your failure? Well, have you thought about NOT SAYING ANYTHING to anyone in the first place? If no one knows what you’re doing, no one will know where you went wrong. Learn to keep things to yourself until the jackpot hits. And if not, this little secret will stay with you until you die.