A growing trend in today’s society is getting a tattoo to endorse a product or service. It may seem strange to get a tattoo that essentially turns your body, or part of it, into a marketing strategy, but the decision to do so is up to the individual, and society should not judge an individual solely on the fact that they have an endorsement. on your body. Perhaps one individual can judge another, depending on what it was endorsed, but that’s a different story.

A person can get this type of tattoo to earn additional income, to advertise their own business or a company that they love, or simply for a product or service that they truly support. It is, in a sense, a completely new type of tattoo, one that is much less common than more traditional tattoos that simply speak of what a person likes, values, or appreciates. An example of a more altruistic endorsement came from a woman who got a restaurant endorsement tattoo on her forehead in order to raise funds for her son’s education. On his forehead! That is quite a sacrifice. You now have a permanent sticker on your forehead (just text, not even a picture, of course) that everyone will see, all in your child’s name.

The main reason for getting this type of tattoo is obviously for money. It is a way to sell your skin to the highest bidder. Sometimes it might just be a free tattoo, but most of the time a company that engages in this type of advertising will pay for it. If you are interested in doing this, be sure to use the proper channels. You can’t just walk into a tattoo parlor, get a tattoo, and expect to get paid. You must submit the application through the company, have the documentation signed and be approved before doing so. Otherwise, the company will most likely refuse to pay you, but you will appreciate your free advertising.

Some popular tattoos that endorse companies (and possibly pay a decent amount) include Google, Nintendo, Ford, Heinz, Guinness, Popeye’s Chicken, McDonald’s, Dell, and the Golden Palace restaurant. Note that people have been seen with these tattoos. That does not mean that these people were paid by these companies. It is unknown whether they were paid or did it of their own free will. But, if you are a big fan of any of these companies and would like to earn some extra money, you may want to contact them and see what they have to offer!