Food grade diatomaceous earth and non-food grade products are made up of the natural remains of microscopic single-celled plants or phytoplankton called diatoms. Phytoplankton is for ocean fish and mammals as grass is for land mammals and reptiles. Diatomaceous earth, also known as DE, is made up of plants and diatoms that are food for creatures that graze in the ocean.

Millions of years ago, these diatoms lived in the oceans and freshwater lakes that covered most of what is now the western part of the United States. When the diatoms died, they sank to the bottom of the ocean and eventually fossilized. Sometimes you will see diatomaceous earth called DE, shell flour, kieselguhr, or kieselguhr. Today, we are finding hundreds of ways to benefit from the use of food grade and non-food grade diatomaceous earth products.

DE is obtained by an extraction and processing method. If you have a backyard pool, you may have used non-food-safe diatomaceous earth food in your pool filters. Many cosmetics have food grade diatomaceous earth ingredients to help keep products powdery. DE is mainly used in two ways, as a swimming pool filter or as a filler; however, diatomaceous earth is also found in paints, insecticides, and even medicines.

Diatomaceous earth food grade vs non-food DE

The DE type of filtering is typically used for agricultural or swimming pool purposes. It is molded in different diameters and shapes to make it an effective filter. This type is often referred to as a “pool grade” DE. The “pool safe” DE should only be applied when wearing a respirator mask and gloves.

However, both animals and humans can consume food grade diatomaceous earth material. You can find it in products that are used to help create a healthier digestive tract. It can also be used to help with colon cleansing and to kill parasites in the intestinal tract.

We use food grade diatomaceous earth material as a natural insecticide. It works as an insecticide because the crushed shells of diatom fossils are very sharp. When you mix DE material into garden soil, it leaves scars on the sides of insects that rub against the DE particles. The sharp edges scrape the insects’ exoskeleton, while fine DE powder falls onto the scared insect’s shell. Eventually, the dust is absorbed into the insect’s body fluids and dies from dehydration.

Here are just a few of the ways DE food grade products benefit us all:

– Bed bug treatment
– Natural flea killer
– Natural pesticide for gardens
– Stop fleas on humans.
– Eliminates tapeworms in dogs and cats.
– Eliminates mite infestations in humans, pets and plants.
– Control and eliminate flies in your kennel, cattle stables and horse stables
– Acts as a natural colon cleanser.
– Add silica back to your diet
– Eliminates parasites and intestinal worms
– Brewing

While the use of food grade diatomaceous earth material as an organic pesticide for crops has been around for years, there has been a growing popularity of the use of DE for internal use in farm animals, pets, and humans.