There are many types of glue and a few different ways to remove them.

How to remove super glue:

This category contains products with a base called cyanoacrylate. That’s what makes up Super Glue, Krazy Glue, Rhino Glue, Mister Glue, most Loctite products, Miracle Glue, Max One and many others – it’s what makes it sticky.

First of all, one needs to know how to get these things out of the skin. More people stick their fingers with cyanoacrylates at some point or another and they can tear the skin if you’re not careful. If your fingers are stuck most of the time, you can gently remove them. Do not try and just separate them directly from each other. Acetone will work just fine. You can get it at a hardware store, or often some pharmacies sell it. Most nail polish removers are made from this if you want to buy a smaller quantity. I don’t like to use acetone

too much on my skin if not necessary, so I’ll use soap and water. The skin oils will gradually release from the superglue, but soaking your fingers in a sink of warm, soapy water will certainly speed up the process.

Removing these instant glues from clothing or fabric is a bit more involved. Acetone will damage many fabrics, so it’s not the best thing to use. One trick that will work with many types of instant glue is to freeze it. It becomes brittle and then you can break it. You can put a garment in the freezer. On a piece of furniture or a rug, try a few ice cubes in a plastic sandwich bag. Hold it against the spot. Even once outside, the fabric can still be stained.

The best thing about glue is prevention. That’s tricky to do with your hands, but as noted above, it’s not that hard to remove.

If you get any type of instant glue or super glue type product In the eyesseek medical attention. Vaseline or KY Vaseline can help open the stuck eye.

How to remove carpenter’s glue or white glue:

For White Glue on clothing or upholstery, use a mixture of water, vinegar, and mild dish soap. Let it soak and then wipe it off with a sponge. Any stains that may remain can usually be removed with a little rubbing alcohol. The same would be done with Yellow Glue and other water-based glues. Since this removal application is very gentle, it can be used for almost any surface, including clothing and skin.

How to remove the glue from the masking tape:

Tape is used on many surfaces and often leaves behind a sticky mess. Acetone cannot always be used as it will damage many materials. Always try acetone and commercial adhesive removers. Find a spot that isn’t terribly exposed and make sure you don’t damage or disturb the material. In many cases where you can’t use acetone, try oils or Vaseline instead. Whatever you use, you may need to allow the ‘solvent’ to soak in and then scrape it off with a metal scraper.

How to remove wallpaper glue:

The same steamer you use to remove wallpaper should be able to remove glue. Liquid fabric softener in a spray bottle can also work. Spray it on, let it soak, then gently scrape it off.

How to remove glue from marble and other porous stones:

Since you don’t want to make things worse, don’t try to clean the glue. This will only spread it. Use a clean (non-woven) cloth to dry it. Use some mild soap and water to get started. This should remove at least some of that. Other things you can try are talcum powder: sprinkle it on and let it absorb the glue.

A mild oil such as vegetable oil can be used to soak the glue and then apply it. If you try a commercial glue remover, be sure to test it on an unexposed area first to make sure it won’t damage the surface of the marble or stone.

How to remove flooring glue:

This is usually best done with a heat gun and some muscle. Heat it up with a heat gun and then scrape it off with a good solid scraper.

Be careful when using glue removers:

When using some of the more ‘toxic’ remedies like acetone and some of the commercial glue removers, make sure you use these products in a well ventilated area.