Green building is undoubtedly the future of the construction industry. As pressure for environmentally friendly building practices mounts, companies are discovering that “going green” ultimately saves money. Recycling and reusing building materials is a smart move for all builders, whether or not they are interested in building environmentally friendly. Here are some steps that can be taken to increase efficiency and reduce waste generated from construction activities.

Increasing the volume of recycled materials is an easy place to start. Investigate local material recovery facilities to verify rebate programs. As landfill rates rise, more and more contractors are looking for ways to increase recycling. To prevent useful construction waste from further clogging landfills, many material recovery facilities offer financial incentives for builders to recycle. These programs offer discounts per ton of debris that builders bring in.

Reusing materials is also a great way to reduce waste in the workplace. Many tools, scrap wood/metal, and plastic products can be reused during the construction process to reduce costs. Another option is to donate used materials. Donating materials to nonprofit organizations like Rebuilding Together and Habitat for Humanity gives contractors the option to claim a tax deduction. Contractors can feel good about donating to organizations that improve their communities while saving money.

Although many builders feel that environmental regulations for water and energy use are an inconvenient burden, they can be used to advantage. Emphasizing waste reduction and green building policies is great for public relations and, if implemented effectively, can reduce a company’s bottom line. LEED buildings are becoming more popular as energy prices rise. Although energy efficiency costs more up front, it saves home and business owners a significant amount of money in the long run. Environmentally friendly construction is becoming increasingly important to consumers; businesses that adopt sustainable building practices now will have an advantage in the future housing/business market over those that do not.

Taking precautions to minimize waste is one of the easiest ways to go green. Protecting newly installed finishes on a residential or commercial site saves money on potential replacement supplies and reduces waste. Companies like Builders Site Protection are happy to provide construction companies with recommendations on recycled or reusable surface protection materials.

These are just a few steps builders can take to increase sustainability and reduce waste. Recycling and reusing materials not only helps the environment, but also has the potential to save contractors money.