Everyone longs to have a perfect relationship. The most important thing you should do is bathe him with all the love and attention you have. There are many things couples do to help keep the spark alive. However, good communication is one of the most important characteristics of a relationship. Here are some tips that will help you impress your boyfriend.

Don’t talk bad about your friends.: A guy will be grateful if you genuinely care about his friends and appreciate his friends at times, instead of just constantly beating them up. Just as you’d hate for him to criticize your girlfriends, he doesn’t like being lenient with his beer buddies either.

Stop bothering: Remember this: Do not scold, do not tease. It’s a big turnoff for any man. You may want to consider his point of view and understand that a boy’s train of thought is not exactly the same as a girl’s. He will surely notice that you are genuinely interested in keeping the peace.

Smells good: Guys love it when their girlfriends smell great. You may want to discover your favorite fragrance and wear it. You love it when your boyfriend wears a cologne that smells good and is just the same. He has a characteristic smell and will soon get used to it.

be expressive: You need, at all times, to be open about your thoughts. If something bothers you, let him know. Don’t expect him to notice what’s going through your mind. Being unclear can lead to many misunderstandings. Let him know in the most subtle but direct way possible.

Looking good: Guys love it when their peers look good. You don’t need to be prissy and party all the time. Looking good simply means being presentable enough. You have to take care of how you look if you want your boyfriend to pay attention to you.

do not be rude: Guys may not show it, but they also tend to take things seriously. Make sure you don’t say extremely rude things. Think twice before saying something that creates a big problem for both of you. Even in difficult situations, keep quiet instead of saying something you will regret.

Be yourself: You’re the girl he fell in love with, remember? Something must be going on there! Love yourself and be yourself. When you respect yourself, he will respect you more. He tries to be a better person and he will surely appreciate your efforts and he will love you even more.