Dating help from within starts with looking at past relationships, do you really know what you found attractive? In most cases, appearance plays an important role in our choices. If you were honest, was there an experience, sport, or hobby that you enjoyed that you found interesting?

The attraction must be deeper than the skin. I have personally met extremely beautiful women on multiple occasions with the perfect body and couldn’t wait to get to know them better. However, once I got close to them and started chatting with them, there was a hole in their personality…it was almost like someone had erased the rest of their personality. Has it ever happened to you? I was amazed that I walked away thinking to myself that I couldn’t imagine a date with them. Don’t you want someone to think this about you?

Sharri, my wife, experienced this one day on the tennis court when she was younger. She saw this guy playing on the court with her and her friend, she described him as a muscular dream boat and she had to meet him. She accidentally hit the tennis ball in her court and bounced off to chat with him with high expectations of a future date. However, once he opened her mouth it was like a repellent, she thanked him for retrieving the ball for her and made no further contact with him. If you can fall into any of these categories, start now to improve your personality and be more than just a pretty face!

Appointment help begins with writing the following on a piece of paper:

– What do you do for a living?

– What was the last book you read?

– What was your most embarrassing moment?

– What physical activity do you enjoy on a regular basis (tennis, golf, working out, etc.)

– What is your favorite singer, do you have his music and why?

– What kind of movie do you like and why?

– Where do you want to go on vacation and why?

Now have one of your friends help you answer the questions. Be sure to take the time to make the answers interesting. Let’s see an example…

What is your job? “Well, I work on a road crew, laying roads and highways. My occupation is very rewarding, because I can always look back and see what my effort has created. It is a testament to my attention to detail and quality, while maintaining a safe environment in my area. With over 300 deaths a year in my occupation, that’s nothing to sneeze at or want to overlook. My team takes pride in our safety record and produces some really great friendships among co-workers . do?”

Just be careful to keep it interesting and not to talk for an excessive amount of time. Don’t be a coup heart!

WARNING: Finding new exciting activities and interesting and fulfilling hobbies that you enjoy… may mean that you will need to schedule time each week to do them.

Become an island temporarily and learn what you like and don’t like. In other words, become a leader and not a follower. I know you would rather make your life an adventure, right? I am amazed at the words that the great Greek philosopher Socrates said: “Know thyself!” It’s time to try activities that seem fun and impressive, to see if you want to claim them as your own. Follow these tips and we know you’ll appear more attractive to the opposite sex the next time you’re chatting with someone new with this dating help!