When you have a few extra pounds and want to shed them quickly and easily, you should think about a healthy eating plan. This doesn’t have to be a crash diet, eat only salads type of eating plan. It is more of a lifestyle change, choosing better foods that contain more nutrients. Your healthy foods can be from any group and they are all necessary for quick weight loss results. Below you will find some of the foods recommended by the professionals.


We all know that fruits are healthy and we all admit that we don’t eat enough. Well, if you really want to lose weight, then you must make a plan to eat a lot of fruit. You can prepare fruit salads for breakfast and fruit sandwiches instead of chocolates and chips. The fruit helps the body to function better. They provide fiber and nutrients and also contain fructose, which is better for you than other sugars.

Low glycemic index foods

Carbohydrates provide energy and are therefore essential for weight loss success. How much you need will depend on how much exercise you do. However, these should be low GI carbs, low glycemic foods. Low GI (i.e. glycemic index) ratings measure the rate at which energy is released. The slower it happens, the better, as you will be full longer and will not eat as much.

Lean protein

Proteins are also very important, as they help build muscle and work in conjunction with carbohydrates. However, you need to make sure that you eat only lean protein. This means you should limit yourself to fish and chicken whenever possible, but if you want red meat, eat the leanest cut possible. You can also choose high protein foods like eggs and nuts.

Super food options

Superfoods are those that have fundamental properties regarding health such as better weight loss, disease prevention and more. These super foods have been found all over the world and those that have recently been introduced into society include mangosteen, acai berries, pomegranates, aloe, and green tea.

Nutritional content

This is very important when choosing healthy foods. You should check the nutritional content of all foods to see how much they provide you with vitamins and minerals. Some of the best nutritional foods include red bell peppers, yellow bell peppers, chili peppers, broccoli, strawberries, carrots, grapes, apples, and kiwis, among others.

Eating healthy food is not boring

Most people think that eating healthy foods is boring because you are limited in what you can do. This is very untrue. You have a wide variety of options with all the healthy foods out there. You just have to search a few recipes to learn some secret traits. One of those secrets involves using plain yogurt instead of cream in sauces.

To get healthy foods that you can enjoy and use for life, you should try some of the above. You can also find more of yours and create delicious meals every day that are filling and tasty, and without any guilt.