Golden Retriever puppies are a very popular choice because of the breed’s versatility. Whether you’re looking for a companion dog, service dog, or hunting professional, there are breeders who can help you find the right pup. No one wants to invest time and money in a dog that is ultimately not going to be the right pet, so how do you know when you have found the right dog?

Each breed of dog has desirable and less desirable traits. Knowing the AKC guidelines will help you ask the right questions, while seeking out a professional trainer can ease the transition to puppy ownership. What do you need to know when looking for the right dog?

What to look for when buying Golden Retriever puppies

Choosing Golden Retriever puppies can provide you with an intelligent, loving, and lifelong companion. By carefully selecting a reputable breeder and choosing your puppy carefully, you can be sure that you have many good years to spend with your new dog.

Find the right breeder

When buying any puppy, it’s important to research your breeder. Ask what is in the contract, whether the puppies are guaranteed against health defects, and how many litters the dam has wrought. You will also want puppies that have been socialized. It is better to buy directly from a breeder rather than through a pet store, as you will be able to see the parents and the home.

what gender

The question every new parent asks: is it a boy or a girl? It’s the same with a new Golden Retriever. Temperament can vary slightly between males and females, but it will ultimately be personal preference.

Males can be slightly larger than Golden females. If this is a factor, you’ll want to choose according to adult size.

If you plan to breed your Golden, then you might choose a female. If so, you’ll need to make sure his contract allows him the breeding rights to your dog so he can register Golden Retriever puppies. The AKC is strict about breeding criteria, so you want to make sure you’re not in for a surprise once you’re ready to sell puppies.


Golden Retriever puppies are often born slightly lighter in color. They range from creamy to golden. The best way to find out a puppy’s adult color is to check the ears. This is a good indicator of mature color.


Your new puppy should be healthy when you bring him home. How do you check this?

Breeders will have certifications in hips, eyes and heart. These are important health clearances, but you’ll also want to see parents about allergy issues. This breed is susceptible to hot spots and skin problems. Ask yourself two generations before considering a puppy.

Other health problems are fleas, pale eyes, and discharge from the eyes or nose. You also want to make sure that there are no scabs on the coat and that your pup is plump, but not fat. Too round can indicate worms.


When visiting a litter of Golden Retriever puppies, choose one that will allow you to hold it without signs of aggression or distance. Golden bunks should get excited when they see people and may even run to greet you. The energy of each pup will also vary.

Goldens are hunters by breed, so if you want a pup to be your hunting companion, try before you buy. He wears a dove tail and tries to get the pups to respond. The one who gets the most excited may even want to give you your toy back. This is the one you want if you are choosing a hunting dog.

Golden Retriever puppies are an amazing, beautiful and intelligent dog. Choosing the right puppy will help you enjoy your dog for years to come.