Know when it’s finally over

Making a relationship work is quite a task. You have to be very involved physically and emotionally. But nothing can bring you more happiness than being in a harmonious relationship with this special someone. However, not all relationships are made in heaven, and sadly, many don’t end the way we hoped. We can turn this negative event into a learning experience and somehow apply the understanding to our next relationship. It’s not easy getting out of the miserable feeling of breaking up with a person you really care about, so we’d like you to try the following tips below and maybe make the task of moving on a little easier for yourself.

stop contacting your ex

Following this advice will be almost impossible, because right after the breakup you will be hurting and you feel like the only person who can take the pain away is your ex. On the contrary, the more you see this person, especially if he is already gone, the more miserable you will be, as all the negative feelings of regret, sadness and pain will come back to you. Therefore, if you don’t see his ex, you will be able to order his thoughts and emotions more objectively. If you have a mutual group of friends, you should at least try not to cross paths with your ex for the moment for obvious reasons.

Stop all forms of communication

The most ideal scenario would be for the exes to remain friends and not estranged after a breakup, however, the possibility would be quite remote. If you want to be able to keep going, you have to cut clean and go “cold turkey”. No more texts, MSN, emails or phone calls, because if you don’t break this emotional habit, you will never be able to get rid of your ex and make room for a new relationship.

Be physically active and make new friends and acquaintances

It is a natural tendency for the wounded partner to drag themselves into loneliness while trying to deal with loss and grief. However, staying home alone may not be the best decision, as loneliness will make you think more about what you should be forgetting. To keep your mind busy, you need to engage in productive and interesting activities that will allow you to meet new friends with whom you can build a new relationship.

No one said that forgetting someone you once loved is easy, but it is doable. However, you must make yourself visible to the world so that everyone who may be interested in you is available. Your ex girlfriend is part of your past and if there is no chance of getting her back anymore, the smart thing to do is to move on. Appreciate the good part of the relationship and learn from the things that made it sour. Stay physically and emotionally fit so you can do justice to your next relationship.