There is no better time than the present to start putting your body in top condition. What better machine than an elliptical trainer could help you achieve your fitness goal? These flexible and highly advanced machines are the choice of many fitness seekers, whether they are beginners or seasoned fitness fanatics. With proper fitness equipment maintenance, you and your elliptical trainer can do wonders. One elliptical that ranks high among users is the Nordic Track E9 ZL elliptical. This review will describe the outstanding features of this amazing exercise machine.

Overall rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Key features:

Oversized non-slip pedals for added safety during your workout

Integrated wheels for easy maneuvering

23 training programs, including 12 preset, 8 heart rate controlled and 3 watts

Easy to read blue backlit display

The display will track distance, pulse, time, resistance level, RPM, and calories

iFIT SD card compatible

Price: Around £799.99 retail (you can find it discounted in some places for around £500)

Product description:

This elliptical trainer provides you with premium quality to ensure a high-powered workout. The 22 kg flywheel offers a very high crankshaft inertia of 260,000 kg/cm2, making the machine feel smooth even under the heaviest loads. 23 workouts – 12 pre-programmed, 8 heart rate controlled and 3 watts – plus iFit SD card compatibility make your workout options more abundant. With the included Polar T34 chest strap and receiver, you can measure your heart rate wirelessly for greater training efficiency.

Product specifications:

SMR Silent Magnetic Resistor

23 workout programs, 12 preset, 8 heart rate controlled, and 3-watt workouts

Flywheel weight: 22 kg

Maximum user weight: 150 kg.

Dimensions: HWL – 162 x 62 x 150

Weight: 66kg

Crankshaft inertia index: 260,000 kg/cm2

Product characteristics:

The Nordic Track E9 ZL elliptical trainer is specially designed for your comfort with its clear display that has an extra-large angle to view your workout progress. To further accommodate you, built-in casters help you move the machine effortlessly. It is also equipped with 25 levels of silent magnetic resistance. The special ergonomic design will tone your upper and lower body muscles, maximize calories burned and improve coordination. In addition, the user can always maintain the proper training position and use the machine safely with the large non-slip foot pedals.

Warranty: Frame, Lifetime/Parts & Labor, 2 Years


No matter what your fitness level is now, the Nordic Track elliptical trainer will be the perfect exercise machine to help you achieve your desired level of fitness. It provides the user with such a diversity of programs and a very advanced technological level. You will be able to build your strength and stamina as gradually and consistently as you need to in the privacy of your own home. Of course, taking care of your equipment is also of the utmost importance. Be sure to hire a reliable fitness equipment maintenance company for your repair and maintenance needs.