Unless you’ve never been physically active in your life, you’ve probably heard of Pilates and the many Pilates benefits that can be gained from doing so. He’s probably heard that his local Pilates studio offers 8- or 10-week group classes and has thought about signing up. Maybe you didn’t sign up because you’re not sure how to continue when you’ve completed classes. That’s where “Do It Yourself” (DIY) Pilates comes into play.

Once you’ve taken the beginner classes, you’ll have the basic foundation you need to continue on your own. There are many benefits to incorporating these Pilates exercises into your daily routine.

Benefits of DIY Pilates

core strength
-Build and strengthen not only your core, but also your muscles. Your core includes your back, legs, abs, pelvic floor muscles, and glutes. When you have a strong core, your entire body will look and feel better; you will walk with poise and confidence. In fact, you are taller.

stretch and lengthen
-Pilates stretches and lengthens the body. All exercises teach proper form and posture. This will make you feel upright all day. You learn to activate your muscles.

Flexible training schedule
– DIY Pilates offers flexible training schedules. You can come to the study on your own time, when it is convenient for you. You don’t have to worry about being late for class or having to leave work early to get there on time.

is semi-supervised
-When you are in the studio, you can ask any instructor nearby if you are not sure how to use the machine correctly. And if you’re practicing a routine wrong, you’ll be corrected immediately on the spot, or if you need a demonstration, the instructor will help you out. There is always someone there to help you, so you will never feel like you are truly alone. There is no worry that he will be injured. Instructors are always available to offer help and assistance.

Get your self-confidence back
-Doing DIY Pilates includes not only internal and external body improvements, but also mental improvements. You will have greater self-esteem, confidence and security in yourself. You sleep better; Have a greater awareness of your breath and your body. You have a better mind-body connection. This connection means you’ll know when your body has had enough, so you don’t overwork yourself or hurt yourself.

You will most likely get some benefits from doing Pilates exercises at home with a mat and a DVD; however, Pilates reformer exercises are much more effective. Machines give you the resistance training that mats can’t. This resistance translates into a stronger body and muscular strength. It also adds definition and shape to your body. When your muscles are strong and toned, your metabolism will improve. This increase in metabolism turns you into an all day fat burning machine.

The reformer also makes it easier to engage in a wider range of motion when performing each exercise. For example, if you have weak abs, the resistance helps maintain your shape and when you get stronger over time, the same resistance challenges you. This means that you get the maximum benefit. There is no need to push yourself, as most people did on the mat work exercises. This is one of the main reasons why Pilates reformer exercises are so popular among athletes and those who need a low-impact workout. And those recovering from injuries or suffering from chronic pain.