In my experience, the natural bacterial vaginosis treatments that really work for lasting and permanent results are the ones that target the underlying cause of BV rather than just treating the symptoms of a bacterial overgrowth.

One of the most common causes of bacterial vaginosis is a disturbance in the vaginal environment, especially the subtle chemical balance that exists within the vagina. Even when the cause of BV is something else entirely (like a weakened immune system, for example), bacterial vaginosis itself causes a change in the vaginal environment.

So, whatever the cause of BV, all women tend to benefit significantly when they focus on restoring the vaginal environment to its natural, healthy state.

This is best achieved by using a combination of different treatments, as some natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis are better at killing bacteria, while others are more geared towards replenishing the natural vaginal flora.

Most women who can’t get rid of bacterial vaginosis permanently using natural methods do so because they use only one of the above methods. Or they use both methods together but apply the wrong timing or dosage.

Some natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis that are effective in killing the bacteria that overgrows in bacterial vaginosis include douching with hydrogen peroxide, betadine, or diluted vinegar, and the use of natural antibacterials such as tea tree oil and suppositories. of garlic. These are all very common natural BV treatments that are used by thousands of women all over the world, but they are rarely reported to cure BV permanently.

Instead, you’ll find that women who use these treatments do so regularly to avoid BV symptoms when it gets particularly bad.

Little do these women know that when they use the above treatments in combination with other types of natural treatments, they have a good chance of getting rid of their BV permanently, so they never have to worry about treating their symptoms again. An example of the other type of bacterial vaginosis natural treatment is the use of plain, unpasteurized yogurt that contains live strains of lactobacilli, which are the good bacteria that are naturally present inside the vagina.

When you kill off the overgrown bacteria with one or more of the above methods, and then, at the right time, introduce good bacteria into your vagina using probiotic yogurts, this gives you an excellent chance of curing your BV permanently.

When you eat probiotic yogurts that contain lactobacilli, these lactobacilli settle in your rectum. From there, they migrate into the vagina (since the rectum is anatomically just behind the vagina). Inside your vagina, these lactobacilli have to fight for a space to settle before they can start releasing chemicals that will help return your vagina to its natural, healthy state.

There are two strains of lactobacilli that have been shown to do this particularly well, while other strains have no positive effect at all. That’s why it’s important to use the right type of probiotic yogurt.

It is important to note that when probiotics used alone in the treatment of BV work in some women, this is not a very effective treatment method on its own. Since lactobacilli have to fight their way into the vagina before they can work, they don’t do very well when the vagina is already teeming with bad bacteria. Therefore, it is best to first eliminate the overgrowth of harmful bacteria with another method, before incorporating probiotics into your regimen.